post #9000000 GET!



Yuuma: Gatherer and Absorber;
Miko: Hata no Kawakatsu;
Cirno: Earthly Mother Goddess;
Satono and Mai: Goddess of the Backdoors;
Larva: God of Sericulture;
Marisa: Star God;
Yukari: Sage of Gensokyo;
Kokoro: Shukushin God of Noh Dances (The only one I am confused on, I tried googling what Shukushin was with the exact Kanji used here and found multiple different definitions);
Flandre: God of the Discriminated;


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    OakWoods said:

    Yuuma: Gatherer and Absorber;
    Miko: Hata no Kawakatsu;
    Cirno: Earthly Mother Goddess;
    Satono and Mai: Goddess of the Backdoors;
    Larva: God of Sericulture;
    Marisa: Star God;
    Yukari: Sage of Gensokyo;
    Kokoro: Shukushin God of Noh Dances (The only one I am confused on, I tried googling what Shukushin was with the exact Kanji used here and found multiple different definitions);
    Flandre: God of the Discriminated;

    About the God of Noh and Shukujin: if Wikipedia is to be believed, both of those circle back to Hata no Kawakatsu, who has a connection with Prince Shoutoku (and thus, with Miko).

    As to what Shukujin is... the answer seems to be "Nobody Knows™". The answers seem to point towards two completely different directions: 宿 as equivalent to 夙 or 守宮 —which is a designation for a group of outcasts—, or as the 宿 in 星宿 (constellation). So, either a god of the outcasts or a god of astronomy (maybe both?). Funnily enough, what would be expected by the modern usage of the kanji (宿 = inn, so probably some sort of god of hospitality) doesn't seem to factor in at all.

    All things considered... maybe leaving it untranslated would be the right call here?

    EDIT: The rabbit hole goes even deeper! Apparently there may also be a connection between Shukujin and Mishaguji (so, Suwako's curse god in Touhou) and in fact, if you search for 宿神 in Wikipedia, it redirects you to the entry for Mishaguji. God damn, ZUN really made the right call making a character based on Matara-jin.


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    It's been a rather common problem with this particular comic. I contribute to a few changes here and there for images, but I doubt I'll ever get that kind of status to approve these myself.

    I've noticed that this comic gets flagged on nearly every upload now, but the moderation history doesn't show the user except to probably moderators and up I guess.

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    AnnihilationHammer said:

    "Disinterest" should not be a valid reason for disapproval at all on this website, especially for something thats clearly part of a long running series that are all already here.

    "Disinterest" is just the boilerplate message for when an Approver skips over a post. Approvers do not have unlimited time to carefully determine the worth of each and every post, especially when they're not even being paid for it. This does mean some works worthy of this site won't be approved the first time, but the appeal system, Contributors, and the fact posts only need one person to approve them help balance that. Not to mention that posts can be approved even if they're no longer in the mod queue.

    Unapproving posts by default until an Approver accepts them is an effective system despite its flaws. The alternative would be to automatically approve every post without a reason given by the Approvers (or "Disapprovers" in this Bizarro universe), but that would run counter to the site's mission as a curated gallery for anime art.

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    TwinDragon said:

    It's been a rather common problem with this particular comic. I contribute to a few changes here and there for images, but I doubt I'll ever get that kind of status to approve these myself.

    I've noticed that this comic gets flagged on nearly every upload now, but the moderation history doesn't show the user except to probably moderators and up I guess.

    They're not getting flagged. It's just the default wording the deletion message uses. If it says "(unapproved in three days)" then it was just automatic deletion after not getting approved. An actual flag by a user would give a different reason.

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    AnnihilationHammer said:

    "Disinterest" should not be a valid reason for disapproval at all on this website, especially for something thats clearly part of a long running series that are all already here.
    Imagine if the Mona Lisa were to be disapproved from being displayed in a museum just because the curators were "disinterested" in it

    I mean it's not like the curators are obligated to display the Mona Lisa at all, let alone spend time to look really closely at everything donated to the museum.

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    AnnihilationHammer said:
    Imagine if the Mona Lisa were to be disapproved from being displayed in a museum just because the curators were "disinterested" in it

    I would like to point out that was very much a possibility.

    The Mona Lisa only got famous after she was stolen(the thieves literally just walked in at night,grabbed her off the wall,and no one noticed the gap until midday)and was considered one of the less impressive works by Leonardo Da Vinci,if not outright ignorable.

    The reason she shot up after being stolen was a problem we face now in even bigger amounts...

    ...the media hyperinflating an otherwise mediocre event just to make money.

    Had she not been stolen,Mona Lisa would just be another mainstream piece of art,another cog in the mainstream scam,being traded around as a tax write off.

    So thank anyone and everyone whose powers it may be for creating the online art scene,and for helping those like Ethan to be recognised by those who truly care.

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    alzack13 said:

    Popping cans nailed to a stump with my dad in my grandma's big ol upstate NY backyard is one of my fondest memories of being a kid. We used his heavy full metal one until its compression tube or something developed a leak, and he bought me my own newer & lighter one for my 9th birthday. Believe they were both pumpasters by crosman though.

    had a similar experiance on my aunt's property in rural georgia. me and my siblings took turns shooting my grandpa's old red ryder.

    God, where has the time gone?

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    Now this is the kind of American history every American should learn about,the creators of childhood memories that very often end up in the military.

    Like "Puff The Magic Dragon".

    You might be in the middle of Hell,but not even that can take away your fond memories as a kid.

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    EnriqueZX said:

    rather it is you who does not want to read my comment, I am already telling the truth about how a good part of the English-speaking community expresses itself negatively about the Spanish-speaking community, in addition to the fact that I am one of those who prefer to expand a little on why my comments are so precise, besides that I needed to put context about the characters that are seen in the fanart and what other user mentioned that they were from the world of video games when that is not the case, also what a coincidence that they always dislike every comment that I put, whether in Spanish or English, if that is not hate and censorship then I do not know what is...

    People are disliking your comments because you're acting obnoxious. You're not being discriminated against. The rules say speak English, because that's the primary language of the site and its moderators. If you use another language, without obvious context, you are risking a mod deleting it for being against the rules.

    Writing poorly formatted essays about how butthurt you are over it is not going to do anything but annoy other users.

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    EnriqueZX said:

    besides that I needed to put context about the characters that are seen in the fanart and what other user mentioned that they were from the world of video games when that is not the case

    I didn’t say anything close to that. I was giving an example of acceptable use of another language using my own uploads. You’ll understand if you look at the first comment under pretty much any post in re:stage! game_cg. If you were trying to correct me, then you spent all of that time on that big rant for nothing.

    It’s also pretty unfair of you to accuse a moderator (not an administrator) of wrongdoing when they have a duty to enforce the rules whether they agree with them or not. And I checked your comment history. The only comments with downvotes are the ones under this image and an old Spanish comment that wasn’t deleted (most likely because the mods didn’t see it).

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    blindVigil said:

    People are disliking your comments because you're acting obnoxious. You're not being discriminated against. The rules say speak English, because that's the primary language of the site and its moderators. If you use another language, without obvious context, you are risking a mod deleting it for being against the rules.
    I'm not acting in a rude way, I'm just telling things like they are. Others don't care if I tell the truth, that's another thing, and that just shows they don't like it when someone contradicts them when they think they're right but in reality they're wrong.
    Writing poorly formatted essays about how butthurt you are over it is not going to do anything but annoy other users.

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    Blank_User said:

    I didn’t say anything close to that. I was giving an example of acceptable use of another language using my own uploads. You’ll understand if you look at the first comment under pretty much any post in re:stage! game_cg. If you were trying to correct me, then you spent all of that time on that big rant for nothing.
    It is not the only post where they deleted my comments to give another example in the post I posted a comment about what I would like to see in a next hyrule warriors and out of nowhere that comment started getting dislikes just because and the comment was in Spanish and said comment was deleted by a moderator with whom I argued and every comment I made received dislikes and look what a coincidence that he also deleted his comment and I will tell you why he did it the reason he did it was to not be exposed in a clear example of censorship since after I posted that comment in Spanish I started posting comments in English and still I got dislikes and it was when I argued for the last time with that same moderator when they gave me that temporary ban of 7 days that actually lasted longer and now I posted that same comment again in that post but now in English they have not fallen on me Those dislikes just prove the hypocrisy of a large part of the English-speaking community over other communities that don't speak English, not even the administration of derpibooru, which is also a page in English, does that, and that's saying a lot, since the administration of that web page also has some pretty questionable things, but they are not discriminatory towards any language other than English, since they are also against those practices, which only cause division in society just because of ridiculous beliefs.
    It’s also pretty unfair of you to accuse a moderator (not an administrator) of wrongdoing when they have a duty to enforce the rules whether they agree with them or not. And I checked your comment history. The only comments with downvotes are the ones under this image and an old Spanish comment that wasn’t deleted (most likely because the mods didn’t see it).

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    rom_collector said:

    Spam is against the rules. Get ready for a 3 month suspension.

    "Compórtate bien vato. Nos estás haciendo ver mal."
    (Behave yourself buddy. You make us look bad.)

    My comments are not spam but I am not going to comment at all and I will leave this topic in peace but I just want to make it clear that I do not agree with the rule of only speaking English but since I do not want another sanction I am going to leave it like this have a good night gentleman

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