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xSauriaNx said:

Tony Bin was not part of the Dictus line, wasn't he?

Tony Bin was part of Nasrullah's sire line, while Dictus (and his progeny Soccer Boy and Golden Sash) was part of Gainsborough's sire line, so no.

Put two and two together (kinda...) and you'd get Silver Sonic... :BlobShotEyes:


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    Jnglmpera said:

    Tony Bin was part of Nasrullah's sire line, while Dictus (and his progeny Soccer Boy and Golden Sash) was part of Gainsborough's sire line, so no.

    Put two and two together (kinda...) and you'd get Silver Sonic... :BlobShotEyes:

    true... I haven't heard anything about Sonic lately. Wonder if he'll run in 23rd's Takarazuka this month.

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    We thank you, oh Monolith, for revealing the cunning plans of your enemies to us.
    May your light shine down on the souls of the brave soldiers who gave their lives in service to your will.
    Onward warriors of the Monolith, avenge your fallen brothers, blessed as they are in their eternal union with the Monolith.
    Bring death to those who spurned the holy power of the Monolith

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    Pretty much bog at "Yantar".
    Also, armpatch:
    "ДОСЛІ-" without latter half can have a lot of meaning. It would be either suit's name/type ("experiment(al)"), sort of test date (given circumstances, it probably must be checked quite often) or "researcher" (given the photo).

    Overall it has a weird pattern unless seen as a whole.

    P.S.: There's no generic KSRI, but quite a few specialized ones.


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    Unbreakable said:

    Since I have never played any of the games I have to ask: Is there a meaning to the order the artist draws them?

    It's indeed close to order of appearance in SoC, but since this gallery shows all three games it's hard to tell certainly.

    Saladofstones said:

    In SoC and CoP you are a loner, in CS you are part of Clear Sky (and thus banished to the swamp).

    In CS your are Merc and work for them out of your debt for saving your life. (Mercs are friendly by default)
    In CoP you play as undercover agent of Secret Service of Ukraine, who is in past was a seasoned stalker. (Military are friendly by default).

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    in CoP you are a member of the military but for all intents and purposes you are a loner. I think in CoP all factions (excluding monolith) are friendly by default but you quickly end up picking sides through normal gameplay. Hell, there are several merc groups that are non-hostile to you. I never got far in CS so I forgot that Scar was a merc. Scar I always pegged for being more or less a member of Clear Sky since you have no real affiliations as a merc.

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    Saladofstones said:
    Scar I always pegged for being more or less a member of Clear Sky since you have no real affiliations as a merc.

    AFAIR throughout main quest Lebedev (head of Clear Sky faction) and a lot others are clearly refering to you as "Merc" of "Mercenary".(I may be wrong, played UA locale). Late in the game there's shootout in town against Monolith - that's where you catch up with Merc unit until you get to buried hospital.

    Saladofstones said:
    Hell, there are several merc groups that are non-hostile to you.

    In CoP Mercs are hostiles, just don't shoot you on sight (they warn you once). Only two instances where they are neutral are when they work at Scientist's bunker - first from game's start Black's squad guarding bunker (because Scientists are neutral to everyone), then their possible replacements Hathet's squad (that one from Zaton's workshop, who gives you a quest to gather food items).
    In free-play mode patrolling mercs will shoot on sight.

    Saladofstones said:
    I think in CoP all factions (excluding monolith) are friendly by default but you quickly end up picking sides through normal gameplay.

    Yeah, and then there's even neutral-to-friendly Monolith squad, of all people.
    Loner - that's your cover. CoP is rather cramped for that lot of factions (Yanov is prime example), so on meta level early game gives you opportunity to choose sides for merits and benefits or stay focused on the main quest and remain relatively neutral. By the lore - game takes place after recent "gold rush" to the unexplored places full with "harsh environments and brutal monsters" just by the end of SoC events, which may explain that few established safe places are truce zones and competing factions are forced to sit beside each other. A lot idle (base, fireplaces) voice lines are complaining or regretting coming in here, especially loners.

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    DeadW@nderer said:

    AFAIR throughout main quest Lebedev (head of Clear Sky faction) and a lot others are clearly refering to you as "Merc" of "Mercenary".(I may be wrong, played UA locale). Late in the game there's shootout in town against Monolith - that's where you catch up with Merc unit until you get to buried hospital.

    In CoP Mercs are hostiles, just don't shoot you on sight (they warn you once). Only two instances where they are neutral are when they work at Scientist's bunker - first from game's start Black's squad guarding bunker (because Scientists are neutral to everyone), then their possible replacements Hathet's squad (that one from Zaton's workshop, who gives you a quest to gather food items).
    In free-play mode patrolling mercs will shoot on sight.

    Yeah, and then there's even neutral-to-friendly Monolith squad, of all people.
    Loner - that's your cover. CoP is rather cramped for that lot of factions (Yanov is prime example), so on meta level early game gives you opportunity to choose sides for merits and benefits or stay focused on the main quest and remain relatively neutral. By the lore - game takes place after recent "gold rush" to the unexplored places full with "harsh environments and brutal monsters" just by the end of SoC events, which may explain that few established safe places are truce zones and competing factions are forced to sit beside each other. A lot idle (base, fireplaces) voice lines are complaining or regretting coming in here, especially loners.

    Call of Pripyat was my favorite of the three, especially after the Misery mod upped the difficulty and added in so many new features. I wound up replaying the game for MONTHS.

    STALKER is just amazing in how it's dominated our imaginations all these years.

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