A sudden platinum upgrade raffle has appeared!


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xSauriaNx said:

Tony Bin was not part of the Dictus line, wasn't he?

Tony Bin was part of Nasrullah's sire line, while Dictus (and his progeny Soccer Boy and Golden Sash) was part of Gainsborough's sire line, so no.

Put two and two together (kinda...) and you'd get Silver Sonic... :BlobShotEyes:


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    Jnglmpera said:

    Tony Bin was part of Nasrullah's sire line, while Dictus (and his progeny Soccer Boy and Golden Sash) was part of Gainsborough's sire line, so no.

    Put two and two together (kinda...) and you'd get Silver Sonic... :BlobShotEyes:

    true... I haven't heard anything about Sonic lately. Wonder if he'll run in 23rd's Takarazuka this month.

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    We thank you, oh Monolith, for revealing the cunning plans of your enemies to us.
    May your light shine down on the souls of the brave soldiers who gave their lives in service to your will.
    Onward warriors of the Monolith, avenge your fallen brothers, blessed as they are in their eternal union with the Monolith.
    Bring death to those who spurned the holy power of the Monolith

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    Pretty much bog at "Yantar".
    Also, armpatch:
    "ДОСЛІ-" without latter half can have a lot of meaning. It would be either suit's name/type ("experiment(al)"), sort of test date (given circumstances, it probably must be checked quite often) or "researcher" (given the photo).

    Overall it has a weird pattern unless seen as a whole.

    P.S.: There's no generic KSRI, but quite a few specialized ones.


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