post #9000000 GET!


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Joe_Leonhart said:

You clearly haven't seen her tag here. There's 3 things inevitable in life: Death, taxes, and R34. Nothing is safe.

Isn't death, just taxes? Tax is just a percentage of something you own being taken away from you, in this case its just how alive you are. 100% of it is taken away from you, like how you pay a tax, like for example 30% of your income for the month. That 30% is taken away, just like the 100% of how alive you are is.

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    Personally, my issue with Rule 34 isn't the "oh no they're tainting the pure character", but how Rule 34 is like the ultimate form of reductivity.

    What the character or sometimes, real people, stands for, what their story is, how they are as a person, their personalities and beliefs are all thrown away for the sake of being some expendable wank bait. It's internet tl;dr ADHD brainrot, willful ignorance, utter disrespect and people letting their dicks do the thinking for them, all rolled into one.

    It's okay to have sexy characters, hell it's great to have sexy characters. But a sexy character can often also have much, much more than just their appearance and it's frustrating so many people refuses to even engage with that.

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    azurelorochi said:

    Personally, my issue with Rule 34 isn't the "oh no they're tainting the pure character", but how Rule 34 is like the ultimate form of reductivity.

    What the character or sometimes, real people, stands for, what their story is, how they are as a person, their personalities and beliefs are all thrown away for the sake of being some expendable wank bait. It's internet tl;dr ADHD brainrot, willful ignorance, utter disrespect and people letting their dicks do the thinking for them, all rolled into one.

    It's okay to have sexy characters, hell it's great to have sexy characters. But a sexy character can often also have much, much more than just their appearance and it's frustrating so many people refuses to even engage with that.

    Completely agreed with this take. That and the complete disregard for any form of logic and I'm not talking about weird body stuff like inflation. I mean stuff like Genshin Impact and how people constantly draw characters getting overpowered by Hilichurls like a decently built team can't completely erase their entire population several times over.

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    InkwellObsidia said:

    Completely agreed with this take. That and the complete disregard for any form of logic and I'm not talking about weird body stuff like inflation. I mean stuff like Genshin Impact and how people constantly draw characters getting overpowered by Hilichurls like a decently built team can't completely erase their entire population several times over.

    Fantasies don't have to be logical, that's why they're called fantasies.

    Porn would hardly exist at all if it always had to be lore accurate and logical. Be a lot more boring, too.

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    This does raise a question, if Goku and Vegeta fuse with those bug things, I do wonder if it'll be Vegito or a brand new character different from him and Gogeta. As Vegito is the Potara fusion, and Gogeta is the dance fusion, if it ain't the former I wonder what the bug fusion will be.

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    I wonder what impact firearms would have on Gensokyo if other factions than the yamawaro and the Moon/Eientei had access to them as well, although I'm pretty sure most strong characters wouldn't consider them a threat or a valuable asset.

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    :unknown-assumed early 1960's
    BIRTHPLACE: unknown-see 'unconfirmed rumors' below
    EDUCATION: Reportedly Eden Academy (old system)
    SKILLS: Assassination, information gathering, reported disguise ability.
    ASSOCIATION: only reports to Director Frost exclusively-see notes below
    WEAPONS: uses Blackbell 'Elite' firearms, seen using Thorn-style knives with high aptitude as well.
    Has an uncanny ability to always be at the right place at the right time.
    Unconfirmed Rumors:There are more rumors than verifiable facts about Agent Sunset, from being involved in the Ostania-Eastlandia unification as a small child, to coming from a former orphanage. She has done nothing to clear up these rumors, certain operatives have even gone MIA trying to find truths about her. Any questions about her should be taken to Director Frost, with discretion.
    Agent Sunset has few surviving witnesses from missions, but has been seen protecting children and dogs.
    First seen in the OER 1976 reprisal to the Desmond incident, and has been a known operative since.
    While Sunset does report to Director Frost, their relationship is notoriously prickly and hostile, with firearms discharging several times in meetings between the two. It is SOP to clear out the floor their meetings take place on.
    Avoid her if you can, but total compliance if you must work with her. A 75% survival rate is expected if you do so.

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    To explain the joke:
    Dyson is a maker famous with making vacuum cleaners in Japan.
    Saying someone is "Just like Dyson" means that person would gobble up any and all kind of "food" or "consumable" just like how a high perfomance vacuum cleaner would with any trash on the ground.


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    Demundo said:

    To explain the joke:
    Dyson is a maker famous with making vacuum cleaners in Japan.
    Saying someone is "Just like Dyson" means that person would gobble up any and all kind of food just like how a high perfomance vacuum cleaner would with any trash on the ground.

    Dyson is a creator of many appliances but more famously is there vacuums which all have a good reputation for having powerful suction and maintaining it, in this particular instance she's being compared to such vacuum if u catch my drift...

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    Seravee said:

    Dyson is a creator of many appliances but more famously is there vacuums which all have a good reputation for having powerful suction and maintaining it, in this particular instance she's being compared to such vacuum if u catch my drift...

    I actually wanted to steer away from that and stuck to the most common interpretation so thanks for bringing it up. lol
    She sure has good lungs though.

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    Demundo said:

    To explain the joke:
    Dyson is a maker famous with making vacuum cleaners in Japan.
    Saying someone is "Just like Dyson" means that person would gobble up any and all kind of "food" or "consumable" just like how a high perfomance vacuum cleaner would with any trash on the ground.

    OK, that means I have to add the tags for euphemism and double entendre. Thank you~

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