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richard_sargent adventures_of_sonic_the_hedgehog android_(os) atomic_betty battlestar_galactica bill_&_ted bill_&_ted's_bogus_journey blake's_7 blinkytm buck_rogers bucky_o'hare buzz_lightyear_of_star_command chopping_mall clone_high disney doctor_who fantastic_four flubber forbidden_planet futurama ghost_in_the_shell gobots godzilla_(series) godzilla_vs._megalon_(1973) gundam hardware_(movie) hopewell_studios i_robot invader_zim judge_dredd_(movie) lost_in_space marvel meet_the_robinsons mighty_morphin_power_rangers mystery_science_theater_3000 planet_51 portal_(series) portal_1 portal_2 power_rangers ratchet_&_clank red_dwarf robocop robot_chicken robot_wars robotboy robots_(movie) rocky_iv short_circuit_2 sonic_(series) spaceballs star_fleet star_trek star_wars tenkuu_no_shiro_laputa terminator_(series) terminator_2:_judgment_day terrahawks tetsuwan_atom the_black_hole the_day_the_earth_stood_still the_hitchhiker's_guide_to_the_galaxy the_jetsons the_matrix the_terminator the_wizard_of_oz time_squad tom_and_jerry transformers transformers:_generation_1 treasure_planet wall-e wallace_and_gromit where's_wally abc_warrior alpha_5 android_(mascot) atlas_(portal) b.e.n. bender_bending_rodriguez blinky_(blinkytm) c-3po calculon carl_(meet_the_robinsons) clank cybermen cylon cylon_centurion dalek dot_matrix_(spaceballs) ed-209 eve_(wall-e) gir_(invader_zim) gort_(the_day_the_earth_stood_still) grounder_(adventures_of_sonic_the_hedgehog) haro humping_robot jenny_wakeman jet_jaguar johnny_5 k-9_(doctor_who) kryten laputa_robot larry_3000 mark_13 maximilian_(the_black_hole) mister_butlertron ppa_(star_fleet) r2-d2 robby_the_robot rodney_copperbottom rosie_(the_jetsons) scooter_(gobots) sentinel_(the_matrix) skutter t-1000 t-800 tachikoma tom_servo v.i.n.c.e.n.t. wall-e_(character) wheelie_(transformers) x-5_(atomic_betty) annotated bad_link character_request copyright_request absolutely_everyone boxing_gloves crossover droid english_text everyone henry_(vacuum) humanoid_robot mecha multiple_crossover no_humans non-humanoid_robot parody robot signature vacuum_cleaner

I can see Inspector Gadget, Wheatley, the guy in Robots, Pixar's lamp (I think), unknown robots in Doraemon, even the robot cat & mouse in Tom&Jerry, but no Wall-e.

Well, there's E.V.E and that cleaning robot, though.

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    cd_young said:

    That's the joke. it's the same as in Chainsaw man when the two idiots, Denji and Power thought wearing glasses made them smarter.

    That comment was replying to the now deleted comment preceding it, which claimed Caelus was wrong and Stella was right.

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