post #9000000 GET!


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second_stooge said:

For all her goofyness, Warfie is both strong and perceptive. Just that her delivery of whatever she's involved in needs more work.

Second, Warfie got lucky that Momma Kal was stuck to actually kill Warfie for her wording.

Lastly, she's so gonna tell the whole of R.I. about this.

Warfarin canonically planned to drug a fellow operator with enough sedatives to knock out the entire population of the landship then dissect her alive to study her biology. At this point, one has to wonder if she is really as serious and professional as she looks, or if she has any genuine ethical standards.

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    HedgeLord said:

    At this point, one has to wonder if she is really as serious and professional as she looks, or if she has any genuine ethical standards.

    There’s a decent chance her characterization is based at least partly on TF2’s Medic, so~…probably not.

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    I read these comics but don't play Arknights, so for a long time I assumed that guin guin had greatly exaggerated Warfarin's personality.

    And then I actual hear about Arknights, and apparently his version is pretty accurate.

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    Orionpaxg1 said:

    This is the actual dragon Typhon and not the pretender class servant girl. Tags have been changed to match this.

    Actually, if you notice the purple on the dragon. It's really the pretender Typhon Ephemeros. Original doesn't have that purple thing.

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    wonklegoosegus said:

    How to feed students in-game? I feel like sending them to an all-you-can-eat buffet all of a sudden.

    You can craft a high-class buffet ticket for your students, and if that doesn't work you can still give her a whole cake.

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