post #9000000 GET!


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RNGCombo said:

There were doubts about the authenticity of the omiai from the very beginning. Mama saw where they were headed while they were still doing the roundabout.

I'm not 100% convinced just yet, but I would love if that was the case.

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    someguyted said:

    Wait, holy shit he’s smiling! Have we ever actually seen him smile before?

    Went ahead and checked all his images on this series with him. Around 6 to 8 images with him with some sort of smile, at the very least a grin or a smirk. At the very least, I'd say this was the first smile when he was happy for things involving him.

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    ftahgn said:

    Went ahead and checked all his images on this series with him. Around 6 to 8 images with him with some sort of smile, at the very least a grin or a smirk. At the very least, I'd say this was the first smile when he was happy for things involving him.


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    I find that a lot of times these types of rule 34 of characters with zero sexual features, are children oriented, or aren't even organic comes off less as actual thirst and more of an attempt to be edgy and contrarian.

    But of course like other cases like mascot horror parodying kids media or the idea of evil Superman, at one point the edgy contrarianism is so overdone it's no longer surprising and it just becomes tiring and empty. It doesn't have anything to say beyond "haha I subvert your expectations".

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    azurelorochi said:

    I find that a lot of times these types of rule 34 of characters with zero sexual features, are children oriented, or aren't even organic comes off less as actual thirst and more of an attempt to be edgy and contrarian.

    But of course like other cases like mascot horror parodying kids media or the idea of evil Superman, at one point the edgy contrarianism is so overdone it's no longer surprising and it just becomes tiring and empty. It doesn't have anything to say beyond "haha I subvert your expectations".

    No wonder why the conservaties are winning in the argument. I blame some people who do this, as if lewds are bad already.

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    I think everyone just needs to chill out. Whether you're pro or anti Luce. I just think she's cute, some of the art is hilarious, and the pron isn't that bad, it's whatever. Everything gets rule34ed. Just let the memes infest your brain.

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    Kahvro said:

    I think everyone just needs to chill out. Whether you're pro or anti Luce. I just think she's cute, some of the art is hilarious, and the pron isn't that bad, it's whatever. Everything gets rule34ed. Just let the memes infest your brain.

    Accepting everything you see is what causes not only brainrot but negligence of bad shit. Pretty sure people let Shadman do whatever. Look what happened.

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