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You_Will_Fear_my_Laser_Nipples said:

There basically brainwashing people with the excuse of it being war.

There's... no real "in hindsight" with that.

Besides, the so-called purification/"brainwashing" process only uses food from the person's home country. I don't know about you but that sounds more like "giving a mental health patient vital medicine" to me. I may be completely incapable of concentrating and liable to assault people given the slightest provocation without my medication but that doesn't mean that the real me is a psychopath with ADD. In fact, the way I see it the difference between the "real" and "fake" personality is so subjective as to be meaningless when talking about mental issues so severe that someone, I don't know, sees all of humanity as her mortal enemy? Point being, I don't see this as brainwashing people, I see this as curing them of their Abyssalization.

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    Midori is channeling the Zealot's Chorus of Spiritual Fortitude, which is basically a channeled ult that stuns enemies, replenishes the armor ('toughness") of allies and renders allies temporarily immune to stun and most sources of damage.

    Explosion barrels are one of the few sources of damage that Chorus doesn't grant immunity to.

    Momoi being a toxic gamer of course sees this as a prime griefing opportunity...


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    NNescio said:

    Midori is channeling the Zealot's Chorus of Spiritual Fortitude, which is basically a channeled ult that stuns enemies, replenishes the armor ('toughness") of allies and renders allies temporarily immune to stun and most sources of damage.

    Explosion barrels are one of the few sources of damage that Chorus doesn't grant immunity to.

    Momoi being a toxic gamer of course sees this as a prime griefing opportunity...

    damn, she is literally me but as a veteran

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    Egad_Hedgegard said:

    Bunny Nun, don't go professional wrestling Heel on that poor duck.

    The two figurines on the top of the cake are just perfect!

    The duck she's about to hit has icing on its foot, which you can see came from the right side of the cake, where it left a footprint and tracks. That being said, the icing on bunny's face suggests she took the bite out of the left side.

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    Yuuma: Gatherer and Absorber;
    Miko: Hata no Kawakatsu;
    Cirno: Earthly Mother Goddess;
    Satono and Mai: Goddess of the Backdoors;
    Larva: God of Sericulture;
    Marisa: Star God;
    Yukari: Sage of Gensokyo;
    Kokoro: Shukushin God of Noh Dances (The only one I am confused on, I tried googling what Shukushin was with the exact Kanji used here and found multiple different definitions);
    Flandre: God of the Discriminated;


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    OakWoods said:

    Yuuma: Gatherer and Absorber;
    Miko: Hata no Kawakatsu;
    Cirno: Earthly Mother Goddess;
    Satono and Mai: Goddess of the Backdoors;
    Larva: God of Sericulture;
    Marisa: Star God;
    Yukari: Sage of Gensokyo;
    Kokoro: Shukushin God of Noh Dances (The only one I am confused on, I tried googling what Shukushin was with the exact Kanji used here and found multiple different definitions);
    Flandre: God of the Discriminated;

    About the God of Noh and Shukujin: if Wikipedia is to be believed, both of those circle back to Hata no Kawakatsu, who has a connection with Prince Shoutoku (and thus, with Miko).

    As to what Shukujin is... the answer seems to be "Nobody Knows™". The answers seem to point towards two completely different directions: 宿 as equivalent to 夙 or 守宮 —which is a designation for a group of outcasts—, or as the 宿 in 星宿 (constellation). So, either a god of the outcasts or a god of astronomy (maybe both?). Funnily enough, what would be expected by the modern usage of the kanji (宿 = inn, so probably some sort of god of hospitality) doesn't seem to factor in at all.

    All things considered... maybe leaving it untranslated would be the right call here?

    EDIT: The rabbit hole goes even deeper! Apparently there may also be a connection between Shukujin and Mishaguji (so, Suwako's curse god in Touhou) and in fact, if you search for 宿神 in Wikipedia, it redirects you to the entry for Mishaguji. God damn, ZUN really made the right call making a character based on Matara-jin.


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