post #9000000 GET!


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xSauriaNx said:

watch as they implement St. Lite and Shinzan as grade schoolers :DogeKek:

Maybe in a prequel, but I doubt they'd go past the TTG-era when Speed Symboli, someone who'd be Shinzan's kouhai, was explicitly referred to as an alumni in the L'Arc scenario.

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    Jnglmpera said:

    It's what happens when you cram 40-or-so years of JRA (NCK) history in to 6 school grades tops.

    I'm guessing that when their 'soul' manifests and their abilities develop they enter into the Uma training with its weird mechanics and age in an unorthodox and variable way (since trainers can manipulate time) until they 'complete their story' after which they can graduate with their final race/concert and become 'just' superhuman women with horse ears and tails. But that's also when they can start deviating more and more from their soul template over time.

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    Coga said:

    So much pain, misery and suffering could have been avoided if someone* had just allowed Perturabo to design a playground once in a while.

    *By which I mean a certain 10-foot tall, golden-armoured, terrible narcissist father of a 'someone', so not much hope of that I suppose.

    Considering how slow Lorgar was allowed to conduct his compliances till consequences started to come into the picture, I don't believe that Perty had no elbow room to linger at least a little while to build something nice.

    Plus, Perty not being petty enough to have a nice-guy™️ personality reliant on praise (along with doing more to earn said praise than demonstrating a horrific disregard for life and comradeship) would've been nice.

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    *Iron Warriors see Perturabo for the first time* "MOM?!" *rush over to her so happy to meet their gene mother, gushing happily*

    Perturabo: *happy mommy, but not wanting to show it* "That victory was too costly.... so you're all lame for it. Purge your weak! 1 out of every 10!"

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