post #9000000 GET!



Jnglmpera said:

Are those two supposed to be Hayayakko's relatives (Meikei Yell and Sodashi)?

Had to check again, at least I can recognize the artist' Yell easily now, Sodashi looks different from one art he done.

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    Blank_User said:

    I donโ€™t think this is Rose Quartz Universe. She looks more like one of the rank-and-file Rose Quartz Gems. We should make a separate tag for them. Maybe something like โ€œrose_quartz_soldierโ€?

    I have not seen all of SU so I appreciate you helping me tag! I'll tag your suggested name for now, alternatively maybe having a generic base gem type tag would be another option, rose_quartz_(steven_universe), or would people just use that for Steven's mom?

    Either way appreciate the help!

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