


Makes me think that alcohol drinks production is a gastronomic wonder:
All the ingridients that go (be it barley malt, hops and yeast for beer, grape for vine, or rice malt for sake) may become so different tastes and aromas after fermentation!

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    Monsieur_Safior said:

    @natsume-shokogami: Except, the current Pope is the most gay-friendly pope there ever was.

    Pretty sure he will openly condemn what is depicted in this picture.

    Kinda saw that not everyone share the same mindset of the pope and some conservative members of the church are just :BlobGlareZoom: at the situation.

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    natsume-shokogami said:

    If it's not an approver post this, this image would very likely be rejected for both having poor quality and potentially violating the site's rules, don't know why they posted this.
    Edit: Ok, the commnity rules may not cover this and most about community post/comments; this one can be still considered low-effort tho

    While it has been uploaded by an Approver who is able to bypass the approval process, the image was sent through the queue and is currently sitting in it. The blue border around the thumbnail, the Status: Pending to the left, and the banner at the top of the page are signs of that.

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    Valentine322 said:

    Mephiles and Doom are proper villains, at least. Infinite is a guy who got roundhouse-kicked once and seethed so hard he grew several levels of edge. Can't really make that 'cool'.

    wouldn't be that hard. there's a popular headcanon floating around that the whole stupid thing with shadow was just eggman implanting false memories into infinite. which would explain why shadow doesn't remember it (of course, outside of the obvious for me, it was tuesday)

    i think they're just scared of going ahead with the character. ian flynn was forbidden from including him in idw. which either means sega has big plans for him or theyre so embarrassed they just want him to quietly disappear. either way i miss him and i want him back :(

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    BrokenEagle98 said:

    I learned this a while back, and now I always hear it as her voice when I listen to those Pretty Cure songs. For reference, Machico also did songs from the Healin' Good and Delicious Party series, as well as the Miracle Leap and All Stars F movies.

    Machico reference:

    Uh-huh. That's right, matey.

    Oh, guess what? Recently, Machico sang a cover of the original Kamen Rider theme song, which was re-arranged to be a exercise song for little kids.
    Want a listen?

    Here's a link to it on YouTube:

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    Transcript (YouTube has subtitles):

    Okayu: So, to get through this third day, I'll teach Mio how to stop her hiccups.
    Mio: Eh! Really?
    Okayu: First, Mio, you have to follow everything I say. Got it?
    Mio: Yes... got it. hic
    Okayu: Alright, first... um... close your eyes!
    Mio: Okay!
    Okayu: Next is...
    Korone: Something’s happening...
    Okayu: Now take a deep breath, fill your belly with air!
    Mio and Fubuki: takes a deep breath
    Okayu: Okay, stop!
    Okayu: ...And Koro-san! Say something funny!
    Mio: laughs
    Korone: Eh?
    Okayu: Wait, no! Mio, you must keep holding your breath!
    Mio: Hold on... hold on! I’ll try one more time...!
    Mio: Here I go~!
    Mio and Fubuki: takes a deep breath
    Okayu: Alright, Koro-san! Do it!
    Mio: laughs
    Okayu: Uh... wait a sec...
    Everyone: laughs
    Fubuki: Hey, that was too quick!
    Okayu: You must hold on here...
    Fubuki: You can do it, Mio!
    Okayu: You can do it, Mio!
    Fubuki: Don’t breathe out!
    Mio: I can’t hold it... I’ll try harder one more time, then.
    Okayu: Alright, let's do this! Take a really REALLY big breath!
    Mio and Fubuki: takes a deep breath
    Okayu: Alright, Koro-san! Do it!
    Mio: laughs
    Korone: Why?!
    Everyone: laughs
    Okayu: We haven’t even done anything yet...
    Fubuki: With just a single word...
    Korone: But maybe it stopped this time?
    Okayu: Did it stop? Since it’s a diaphragm spasm... I wonder if it worked...
    Korone: I think it stopped...
    Mio: Maybe it did stop...
    Fubuki: It stopped!
    Okayu: Oh, great!

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    wj8 said:

    How old you were when you realized Big Smoke was ordering for the entire gang?

    Jokes on you, everyone pretty much pick their order but this guy went for ultra servings. Although there is a more spoiler-ish reason for it too.

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