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Man, just take the L and go away already. Nobody was responding because everyone is tired of you. In case it's not clear to you, you're getting downvoted because of the negativity and bad manners. It's generally considered bad form to bad mouth other people or cultures.

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    AlsoSprachOdin said:

    And I already said that I think they look bad. And I think I'm right about that, because I sure don't see a lot of people wearing such tiny hats, neither for daily use or special occasions.
    Of course nobody wears them, they look silly.

    You are right that these mini hat and mini caps are not worn daily.
    But people do wear them as a decorative piece of clothing in certain kind of fashions.
    A common usage is when they are used in performances, like in Takarazuka.

    Other examples are in Lolita fashions.
    If you think they are silly being tiny as they are, you haven't seen them being decorated with all sort of stuff.
    And it's not limited to just Japanese Lolita Fashion either.
    Though, I have to say, mini hats are conisdered hard to coordinate, but there are certain formulars to make them work like balancing them with hair style, or with other accessories...

    If you think those are just weird fashions, how about Marie Antoinette Fashion?
    (the picture is actually from a film recreating it, not the actual person, because, duh)
    The actual person is depicted with mini hat over a large head of hair (wig) though.
    Needless to say, she still defined fashion quite a bit, even to this day.

    Point is, your opinion is not the only opinion and thus even if it's right to you, it's not objectively correct because there are actual people thinking the other way.
    Opinion about aesthetics being "irrational" is something keep happening again and again through time, and Marie Antoinette is the embodiment of said "irrationality" in her time, but she did make a lot of change to perception to aesthetics and beauty. So you not being fond of mini hats is normal, but other people being fond of it should not be "irrational" either. It might be a whole culture/sub-culture you did not know or understand there.

    Lastly, you seems to be dismissal of mini hats, but you did not even prove how right you are and only claim to be right.
    That's not how you do arguments. Just saying.
    That's the thing made me write this over an hour finding the relevant example and mincing my words so they are not affected by the annoyance I got from your comments.

    At least try to be a proper person man. That should get you more sympathizers than not.

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    BrokenEagle98 said:
    Man, just take the L and go away already.

    ... Mmmno, I don't feel like it. Might be the way you talk to me inspires spite.

    BrokenEagle98 said:
    Nobody was responding because everyone is tired of you.

    Really didn't take much, especially considering how much you seem to care.

    BrokenEagle98 said:
    It's generally considered bad form to bad mouth other people or cultures.

    Are you serious? If I say the giant, furry hats the English royal guards wear look silly, now I'm suddenly badmouthing the entire English culture? Can we not be a little more nuanced than that?
    And people? When did I say someone is a bad person for liking stupid-looking hats? Again, nuance. It is in fact YOU guys who are saying that I'm a bad person for disliking some hats.
    FFS, people. I'm "bad-mouthing" some hats, it's really should not be such a big deal.

    Demundo said:
    Point is, your opinion is not the only opinion and thus even if it's right to you, it's not objectively correct because there are actual people thinking the other way.

    Why do you think this needs to be explained? If someone says they don't like chili hotdogs, do you start telling them off for having an opinion that's contrary to all the chili hotdog enjoyers? Of course I know my opinion isn't objective metaphysical truth, but sometimes I just want to express my opinions without prefacing them with disclaimers like "in my opinion", "in general but not in all outlying cases", or "I know the universe is an absurd, random dance of dust and objective truth is impossible, but I FEEL like..." because honestly this should all go without saying, at least after we've all heard and said it the first hundred times.

    Opinion about aesthetics being "irrational" is something keep happening again and again through time

    Yes yes yes, everything is subjective. But someone claiming to enjoy eating broken glass doesn't mean broken glass is proper food - we can surely agree on this if we just put our figurative feet on the ground and our heads out of the philosophical clouds. And if you have a hat whose form does not fit any purpose but decoration, and is almost exclusively worn by niche fashion enthusiasts or those who're several centuries in the past, a hat which if worn by the average child would see them mercilessly mocked and bullied, then it's probably because most people find that they look silly. I'm not saying that popular opinion defines truth, but if most people can agree - as I think they do out of the internet - that tiny hats look silly, then I think it's reasonable to say, in a not-so-strictly philosophical manner, but for all practical intents, that they look silly.

    Lastly, you seems to be dismissal of mini hats, but you did not even prove how right you are and only claim to be right.

    Well yeah, as we've agreed, this is not something that can be proven as such. I won't claim to have ever proven my case, only argued for it, just like you've not proven that these hats don't look silly, you've simply argued your case. And arguing is absolutely how you "do arguments", lots of things can be argued for and against forever without anything ever being proven. Like philosophy.

    At least try to be a proper person man.

    Aaaaand here we are again. How in the actual fuck does me saying I think tiny hats look silly make me an "improper person"? I think it says much more about you that you would make such drastic judgements about someone for saying something so innocuous.

    It's just a silly hat, people. I'd prefer it wasn't in the picture, but I'd even more prefer that you guys get some perspective.

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    AlsoSprachOdin said:

    Of course nobody wears them, they look silly.

    AlsoSprachOdin said:
    It's just a silly hat, people. I'd prefer it wasn't in the picture, but I'd even more prefer that you guys get some perspective.

    Problem is at how you are not presenting it as your thoughts and even made claims on "facts" instead of "opinion.

    Yes. I think they are silly hats too.
    But that doesn't make claiming your opinion as fact any better just because they are your opinion.

    That's the problem.
    Should you just said you felt they are jut ridiculous, I bet not that many people would have objected to what you said.

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    Demundo said:
    Problem is at how you are not presenting it as your thoughts and even made claims on "facts" instead of "opinion.

    I never said that this was a "fact". Please point out where I made such claims. I even addressed the matter of opinion vs fact AT CONSIDERABLE LENGTH in my previous comment. Why are you just ignoring that?
    Hell, I'll look through my comments myself to see if I can find where I said anything like silly hats looking silly being a fact:
    In my first two comments, I simply stated my feelings on the matter and assumed it should be obvious that was very simply my opinion. I did not say anything about fact or the like.
    Ah, here! In my third comment, I said that I *thought* I was right about them looking silly. THOUGHT. That's the word I used, not "fact". Just to acknowledge the possibility that I could be wrong. It's a long way from claiming something to be fact.
    And in my fourth comment I said I THOUGHT that it was REASONABLE to say the hat looks silly.
    And then I write a fucking blog post about the issue of how opinion are not facts and yes my opinions are just opinions and so on and so on. And I thought to myself that this was probably overdoing it. I probably didn't need to go to such lengths to make people understand that I understand that my opinions are not facts, okay, can we all just calm the fuck down? I even addressed that part to YOU.

    And yet here we are - you're still claiming that I'M presenting my opinions as FACTS and not acknowledging that they're my opinion, that I'm not couching everything I say in enough disclaimers.
    And just as the backwards cherry on top of it all: You say this as if it's a fact, and not just your opinion. (... well, I suppose that's just my opinion, right?)

    What the actual fuck, man?

    The only fact I ever claimed is the one that people act like I'm straight up a bad person for saying a hat in a picture of anime girls looks silly. I'm gonna stand by that claim of fact, because I can actually point out exactly where people said that.

    BrokenEagle98 said:
    bad manners

    Demundo said:
    At least try to be a proper person man.

    Oh, and these tough guys.

    bunkhead said:
    *cracks knuckles* Let's see you grit those teeth.

    Toctoc said:
    So, you have chosen death


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    AlsoSprachOdin said: Still going on about this dumb thing

    I'm gonna be a lot more blunt than the other guy and say that the problem is that you're being a whiny bitch about something trivial. No one wants to hear how much you don't like tiny hats, the way you talk about it makes you sound petty and unhinged, and your insistence on perpetuating this stupid back and forth, even months later, is not doing you any favors.

    Just let it go.

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    Any Shakespeare play or painting can be improved by adding several ducks and Froggy Nun.

    Clumsy Nun: "My lord, he hath importun'd me with banana in honorable fashion."

    Duck Mother and her Duckling seem worried either because they think that Clusmy may be dead or because she flows towards a stone.

    Froggy has her fun as Ophelia's lesser known little sister.

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    Is it possible to tag all suenari's works, except furry one and maybe one where marisa rams into tenshi on a broom, as General? I think they are all are safe, but don't want to go edit them all one by one.

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    VBB said:

    Is it possible to tag all suenari's works, except furry one and maybe one where marisa rams into tenshi on a broom, as General? I think they are all are safe, but don't want to go edit them all one by one.

    Editing them one by one is the only way to do it, but it seems like this has already been taken care of. There are only 6 images still tagged S.

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    blindVigil said:

    Editing them one by one is the only way to do it, but it seems like this has already been taken care of. There are only 6 images still tagged S.

    thanks to whoever tagged them as General! I tagged this one as General too, so now there are only 5 Sensitive images. big win for safeboorians

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    cd_young said:

    Stars get so little attention from the main branch girls none of them know how to react to a main branch member calling one of them senpai.

    I was a little confused too. I found myself trying to remember other instances of this happening, at least in regards to the EN branch.

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