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sabisabi said:

i dunno how to feel about takeru being in a chaldea boy's collection CE... it feels kind of... antithetical? a bunch of japanese users seem confused, too...

also, i cant find the artist for the life of me. theyre just credited as ่ชญ ingame which doesnt bring up a whole lot of results.

Already edited picture info. Artist is Kiskil-Ilira. Thereยดs a post with the CE border, wanna upload it?

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    sabisabi said:

    i dunno how to feel about takeru being in a chaldea boy's collection CE... it feels kind of... antithetical? a bunch of japanese users seem confused, too...

    Caenis has also been featured in the Chaldea Boys' Collection CEs too. Takeru is not really much of a stretch, imo

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    sabisabi said:

    i dunno how to feel about takeru being in a chaldea boy's collection CE... it feels kind of... antithetical? a bunch of japanese users seem confused, too...

    I mean, Enkidu has been on a CBC craft essence as well. And itโ€™s still a cute pic of Takeru so I donโ€™t think itโ€™s that much of a problem.

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    ArmoredCoreNEXTLYNX said:

    There's also ANOTHER mission in Armored Core For Answer that involves going into a kojima contaminated field that is also the equivalent of a poison swamp too

    kojima contaminated field

    ...pffft. I dunno if Kojima is some kind of poison in Armored Core, but now I can't unsee floating Kojima pngs floating in the air and causing auditory hallucinations of MGS2's colonel telling you to turn your Playstation off, and asking if you feel like a hero yet.

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