As neat as this is, I can't help but think about some of the practical drawbacks, like how does she get it on and off, and how is she going to pick up the controller? (Not to mention the controller isn't even plugged in)
As neat as this is, I can't help but think about some of the practical drawbacks, like how does she get it on and off, and how is she going to pick up the controller? (Not to mention the controller isn't even plugged in)
I'd be more concerned about the stability of the CPU. It just sat there without anything securing it...
As neat as this is, I can't help but think about some of the practical drawbacks, like how does she get it on and off, and how is she going to pick up the controller? (Not to mention the controller isn't even plugged in)
The pole the monitor is attached to looks to have a swivel point, so she can probably just push the monitor to the side and grab the controller (before it hits her in the face).
As for plugging it in, maybe she has one of those fancy keyboards that USBs can plug directly into, maybe she has a USB hub taped to the bottom of that desk board, or maybe she's just really flexible and can reach behind her to plug it into the front of the tower somewhere.
I'd be more concerned about the stability of the CPU. It just sat there without anything securing it...
Actually, with the bars it's set on that run across it, I'd assume that the CPU is bolted to the bars on her back to keep the computer in place and not interfere with cable interfacing.
I don't know for sure what the species of the three in the rear are, and I don't see any portraits for them uploaded on either Twitter or Pixiv. However, there is now an art book for these, which I've bought, so if portraits don't come sooner (or if I didn't somehow stupidly miss them like I did with the rabbit and dog girl posts) I can fill in the species when it arrives.
I always love seeing more art based on Danganronpa: Togami.
The source link isn't working, but I'm pretty sure that this is meant to be Byakuya Togami as the identity he hides as throughout the novels, Polaris P. Polanski. Given the late-story nature of this, I tagged as spoilers, but I don't mind if that addition gets removed.
The DR;T novel was a massive shitshow LOL, really makes me think if the author was high on something when writing it because holy hell the plot's all over the place Maybe he decided to intentionally sabotage the novel due to his request of the Yamada novel being rejected and if that's the case then major props to the author.. But we would never know.
Dr. Gero and Android 19 were menaces in Sparking! Zero, terrorizing DP battle in ranked and online tournaments before they got nerfed. A short documentary on said characters at their strongest:
I wouldn't call them menaces, just major annoyances due them not losing ki when they flew, which let players cheese matches via time out. So glad they were nerfed.
Couldn't find any information about an artist named ๋์ค (Nio). Doesn't resemble any of the artists named nio we already have, and Google wasn't very helpful, as there is a Chinese car company named NIO.
As I recall, where as here in the US we typically use check marks to mark correct answers when grading things, over there they circle them correct. So yes, she answered them, they graded her answers, and they are all correct.
Shou only knows how to do one thing well. Which would be Buddhism. Also I suppose being a representative of the Bishamonten would mean you have to know this things.
It looks to me like the answers were so obvious to them... Only after they looked at the answers. Most. Frustrating. Thing. Ever. I believe this qualifies for the Nostalgia pool.
Even Kogasa didn't want to try and scare Hijiri. XD Probably knew that it would end up very bad, or she just saw that it looked comfy there. Does Hijiri exude an aura of comfy?
Seeing how it's Hijiri, I'm inclined to say yes. XD