post #9000000 GET!


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She looks extra smol compared to other -chan ships, almost comparable with Chesh-chan.
So the minification works in reversal with the shipgirls original sizes, huh. The bigger the original ship was, the smaller the loli version?

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    Ordeal Call III, Archetype Inception

    No exceptions. No exceptions. No one can be an exception.
    That's what it means to be intelligent, to know the laws of nature, to be human.
    Its scale differs from mere benevolence or an altruistic spirit. Its essence differs from parental love originating from one's genes.
    It is not humanly possible to exhaust one's entire self to let an unknown competitor forge ahead
    Fujimaru Wrong.
    Choices There are exceptions.

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    Say isn't Mashiro Don Quijote? The hat is the same with the little missing part, spear, shining knight armour and on the horse back. Do we have a tag for it? The only ones about him are the fate and project moon ones.

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