


Context from the artist:

Yesterday I posted the same art over there that I posted here for you all. After receiving some positive feedback in the comments and a few likes, the art was deleted. This has been happening with my art over there for quite some time, but this time I found myself wondering... what was wrong with this art?

The art in question is post #7956072, which was posted to /r/PixelArt and was removed by the mods.

In a childish act of frustration of mine, I reposted the art with the breasts reduced and the legs cropped. This way, there would be no possibility of violating their rules. But I put a provocative title as a protest.

Cropped version is post #8137639, and link to the reposted art on reddit.

The result: The post was deleted again, and they changed the rule to justify everything.

But that's it... it's just pathetic for something like this to happen. All I can say at the moment is that I feel a terrible disdain for these mods.

But in the end, nothing shakes my determination! ✨
I'll keep drawing beautiful girls and enjoying what I do because I know there are people who love it.


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    MarAle1994 said:

    If the artist uploaded this them self's here and sees my comment. May I please use your art as my phones, tablet and notebook pc background/wallpaper? Thanks in advance.

    It is extremely unlikely the uploader and artist are the same person in this case. You should click the source link and ask there.

    It's even more unlikely that the artist will notice if you're just using the art for background on your personal devices.

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    XoftheTITANS said:

    The war is still ongoing? The news must've stopped talking about it since they no longer benefit anymore.

    Must be your news sources then, it's still readily visible in the main stream news sites I've visited.

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    Shinjidude said:

    Maybe an unpopular opinion, but I think it's really dumb that people feel the need to infuse politics into absolutely everything anymore...

    Nope, it's just an inconvenient opinion, so the mainstream places try to make it seem like it's less widely agreed-on than it is.

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    Reference to the "expedition" mode that was just added recently, where you can sent umamusume to different parts of Japan in doing events and Trainer can "spend" TP potions to "accelerate time"... With Tachyon's shady potion research just in at the same time lol

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