Ah, it all makes sense now. Youkai Fashionista Alice
Also it looks like Rakugaki-Biyori is starting an original 4koma — this might be their first non-Touhou thing ever? If no one else does I can upload this post (two images) after going through this list of appeals.
I will say this: This is too beautiful art, I added it to my favorites here and in the gallery, but it is always missing somewhere. And other works by this artist are very good
The kanji there is "厄", which pretty much means "misfortune". The fact that it's repeated in that wavy pattern makes me think that this may indeed be, in fact, a Jojo reference.
I can't speak of lick of Japanese but I assume it's: 1st page she starts to like Sensei, 2nd page goes Yandere, 3rd page he reassures her that he cares for her and she stabs him because it's either platonic or she's afraid someone takes him away.