A sudden platinum upgrade raffle has appeared!



silvia_ash said:

The commentary is a reference to the plot events of the "Mizu5" (fandom slang for Keikyoku no machi wa doko e) event story, while the background of the disheveled mannequin, torn ribbon, and broken mirror are an obvious visual reference to the trained version of Mizuki's featured card (post #8290201) from said event. These details warrant this upload being tagged as related to the event.

That is agreeable, but the project sekai tag has other images that has the mannequin and broken mirror tags too.

As for tagging according to artist commentary, it would be like tagging what's obviously a chicken as a duck because the artist said it is a duck, as an example.

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    Larporeon said:

    That is agreeable, but the project sekai tag has other images that has the mannequin and broken mirror tags too.

    As for tagging according to artist commentary, it would be like tagging what's obviously a chicken as a duck because the artist said it is a duck, as an example.

    Okay but like... that's the only official image with a broken mirror with the same style of frame with an eerily similar pattern of breakage with mannequins lacking any clothes displayed on them, all things seen in the trained card image. Not to mention, the white bow flying off the mannequin, which is of the same style and shape as the white bow seen on the foremostly displayed mannequin in that image. In isolation, any one of these on their own might not be evidence of anything, but in aggregate, the intent is glaringly apparent.

    Also there's no reason to doubt the artist commentary here, because there's nothing in the image that conflicts with the artist commentary. If the image was of, let's say, motifs recognizable from Kanade's trained card from Immiscible Discord (post #8264420), but the artist claimed it was related to Mizu5 instead, then I would see a reason to doubt the commentary because there is an obvious contradiction. However, the commentary here is consistent with what is seen in the image, so there is absolutely no reason to doubt the artist's word.

    You're not pointing out that the duck is obviously a chicken, you're looking at an obvious duck and saying "well, hey, it could be a chicken! who knows!" It's obvious what the significance of the image's contents is, and you're just inventing hypotheticals where it's not.


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    Of course Yuzu is the one cooped up in the dreadnought. Where else would she be? With how small she is they could probably install a normal cockpit for her too.

    โ€ฆwould anyone else be completely unsurprised if Millennium actually built one of these? Because I could easily see them doing that.


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