post #9000000 GET!



I'm reasonably sure this is an Uzi submachine gun because of the rare magazine in grip format (though possibly with a modified stock). I'm not confident in the identification of the pump action. I tagged it as mossberg 500 but it could very well be a different mossberg or a remmington model.

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    Jemnite said:

    I'm reasonably sure this is an Uzi submachine gun because of the rare magazine in grip format (though possibly with a modified stock). I'm not confident in the identification of the pump action. I tagged it as mossberg 500 but it could very well be a different mossberg or a remmington model.

    the smg is an AEK-919K kashtan

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    RankerClassMage said:

    Every other fusion apart from Dragon Ball Super destroys Omega Shenron and Super Saiyan 4. They're stronger than Cabba and by default beat Super Saiyan 4 Gogeta in base form. Cabba literally clashed a guy who was equal to another guy that threatened the Universe which happened in the very start of Dragon Ball Super.

    I don't even want to know how you came to this conclusion, as Cabba is stated to be around Buu saga levels of strength, which Vegeta vastly surpassed by their fight in the Tournament of Destroyers and was only testing him the entire time. And Super Saiyan 4 is MUCH stronger than that level of power, add fusion into the mix, and the power is vastly magnified to even greater levels. So despite this meme, realistically, SSJ4 Gogeta can easily beat Cabba in any form with just a finger, he can also clap Kefla too since despite her power at SSJ2 she is inferior compared to Gogeta and Vegito in just SSJ, and he can be a challenge against Vegito and Gogeta in Super Saiyan Blue too, as all sources of Dragon Ball that puts them together state that SSJ4 Gogeta is in fact on their level to the point that Vegito Blue allowed him to finish off Fused Zamasu in his place.

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    Cy_Man said:

    I don't even want to know how you came to this conclusion, as Cabba is stated to be around Buu saga levels of strength, which Vegeta vastly surpassed by their fight in the Tournament of Destroyers and was only testing him the entire time. And Super Saiyan 4 is MUCH stronger than that level of power, add fusion into the mix, and the power is vastly magnified to even greater levels. So despite this meme, realistically, SSJ4 Gogeta can easily beat Cabba in any form with just a finger, he can also clap Kefla too since despite her power at SSJ2 she is inferior compared to Gogeta and Vegito in just SSJ, and he can be a challenge against Vegito and Gogeta in Super Saiyan Blue too, as all sources of Dragon Ball that puts them together state that SSJ4 Gogeta is in fact on their level to the point that Vegito Blue allowed him to finish off Fused Zamasu in his place.

    So basically in the first arc of Super where Goku becomes a Super Saiyan God, it was stated beforehand that not even a fusion could make any difference. So SSJ3 Gogeta/Vegito would not even make a dent on Beerus. The Super Saiyan God transformation far surpasses GT's Super Saiyan 4 way beyond what is realistically possible. Super Saiyan God one taps a Super Saiyan 4 monkey. It was stated by Beerus that Goku was able to absorb Super Saiyan God into his base form. Super Saiyan God and Beerus clashing has threatened the Universe which is bigger than our own and includes Heaven and Hell plus all the other realms and the Kaioshin realm which revolves around the entire Universe.

    Vegeta trained in preperation of the Tournament of Destroyers and was able to clash which base Cabba. Vegeta who was also God absorbed was able to equally trade blows with base Cabba. Base Cabba was able to hurt a God absorbed Vegeta.

    Cy Man said:

    he can also clap Kefla too since despite her power at SSJ2 she is inferior compared to Gogeta and Vegito in just SSJ

    Here's your answer

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    RankerClassMage said:

    Short version, meme and fan art knowledge

    Once again, you're getting your answers from unofficial sources like cringe memes. I no longer have a reason to take you seriously whatsoever. Vegeta wasn't hurt at all, again, he was TESTING Cabba and training him at the same time, not fighting him seriously at all as Cabba is Buu saga level in power, vastly weaker than Goku and Vegeta. The fact that Vegeta shrugged off a hit from Cabba, both of them at Super Saiyan and the latter going all out due to being influenced by rage, should have been an indication of the power difference between them.

    Again, back to Gogeta, as Goku and Vegeta on their own far outclass Caulifla and Kale, fused together as either Gogeta or Vegito can clap Kefla easily at Super Saiyan, considering Gogeta in just Super Saiyan outclassed Broly whom is stated to be on Jiren's level of power. And OFFICIAL MEDIA, ONCE AGAIN, confirms that SSJ4 Gogeta is on the exact level as Gogeta and Vegito in SSJ Blue, so much so that the latter to let his SSJ4 fusion dance counterpart finish off Fused Zamasu in an official story segment in a game. Further proving that SSJ4 can just FLICK Cabba with his pinky finger and he'd be down and out without any effort.

    All this once again debunks your knowledge which is buried entirely on memes instead of official sources. I'm sorry, but how about doing your research and actually pay attention instead of relying on memes to tell you things, cause this is just beyond sad.


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    Cy_Man said:

    Once again, you're getting your answers from unofficial sources like cringe memes. I no longer have a reason to take you seriously whatsoever. Vegeta wasn't hurt at all, again, he was TESTING Cabba and training him at the same time, not fighting him seriously at all as Cabba is Buu saga level in power, vastly weaker than Goku and Vegeta. The fact that Vegeta shrugged off a hit from Cabba, both of them at Super Saiyan and the latter going all out due to being influenced by rage, should have been an indication of the power difference between them.

    Again, back to Gogeta, as Goku and Vegeta on their own far outclass Caulifla and Kale, fused together as either Gogeta or Vegito can clap Kefla easily at Super Saiyan, considering Gogeta in just Super Saiyan outclassed Broly whom is stated to be on Jiren's level of power. And OFFICIAL MEDIA, ONCE AGAIN, confirms that SSJ4 Gogeta is on the exact level as Gogeta and Vegito in SSJ Blue, so much so that the latter to let his SSJ4 fusion dance counterpart finish off Fused Zamasu in an official story segment in a game.

    All this once again debunks your knowledge which is buried entirely on memes instead of official sources. I'm sorry, but how about doing your research and actually pay attention instead of relying on memes to tell you things, cause this is just beyond sad.

    And I though you where using canon sources. But I was wrong. That Offical media is non-canon promotional material that gives every saiyan super saiyan 3 without training. Dragon ball Super would slam Dragon ball GT logically. These 2 continuities are different but they are there own seperate canon. GT has never supported their universe threatening statements. Meanwhile in the very first arc of Dragon Ball Super Goku at the weakest God form was able to destroy the surrounding matter with the clash of Beerus which everyone in the universe felt. This includes the Kaioshin realm which is a higher plain of existence that heaven or hell + all the other realms in the universe.

    I use the canon of both continuities you used non-cannon official sources that is only used for promotional material.

    We are not the same.

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    RankerClassMage said:


    I did use canon and official sources, i mention one single instance of using a proper comparison, from Dragon Ball Legends which is considered canon to a degree, not Super Dragon Ball Heroes and you assume the wrong conclusions and lose your mind over it, you're the one sticking to third party MEME pictures for informations. Yes, we aren't the same, I never said we were, I actually do my research while you use memes and delusions. I legit feel bad for you, and I'm taking my leave, bye bye and have a good day.


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    Cy_Man said:

    I did use canon and official sources, i mention one single instance of using a proper comparison, from Dragon Ball Legends, not Super Dragon Ball Heroes and you assume the wrong conclusions and lose your mind over it, you're the one sticking to third party MEME pictures for informations. Yes, we aren't the same, I never said we were, I actually do my research while you use memes and delusions. I legit feel bad for you, and I'm taking my leave, bye bye and have a good day.

    Gogeta fans do not like to have fun.

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