This is an ingame joke between the fact her name is Kirov which is shared with the Red Alert's airship and probably less known to people who havent played the game recently the barrage balloon that shipgirls can be equiped with that also has a similar shape and which she is holding on like a balloon.
If Red doesn't want to be found, I'm not sure even the Old Man can find her.
To be perfectly blunt with you - I wouldn't be surprised at all if everything Kal trained Red to do was based on what Grandpa and the original Doctor could do. Red's a damned good hunter and assassin, but she's probably not on either of their levels yet.
To be perfectly blunt with you - I wouldn't be surprised at all if everything Kal trained Red to do was based on what Grandpa and the original Doctor could do. Red's a damned good hunter and assassin, but she's probably not on either of their levels yet.
Probably, yes. But can Gwenpa fit in the air vents ? Because smol Red can, it's even her usual travelling way. So it may be her best hiding spot.
Speaking of... Has Uma!Orfie's story or campaign ever referenced that incident? I'm honestly a bit surprised that my usual sources haven't brought it up (yet)...
Speaking of... Has Uma!Orfie's story or campaign ever referenced that incident? I'm honestly a bit surprised that my usual sources haven't brought it up (yet)...
Nothing turned up on my usual sources yet either, other than brief mentions of a stat-boosting/hp draining event (without description given) if you get Orfie to defy history and finish Hanshin Daishoten at first place.
Nothing turned up on my usual sources yet either, other than brief mentions of a stat-boosting/hp draining event (without description given) if you get Orfie to defy history and finish Hanshin Daishoten at first place.
Hrm... I imagined they'd throw in at least one reference given how infamous that event is
Hrm... I imagined they'd throw in at least one reference given how infamous that event is
It is referenced. Just very obtuse and requires Orfie to win the race instead of losing. She then runs herself ragged in joy afterwards, possibly her umasoul being happy they managed to defy fate and reclaim their lost honor or something. Of course this slaps her with a -15 energy/HP penalty making it slightly harder to train for the upcoming Tenno Sho, so...
She does, but she should have given him the choco regardless even with the rest of the so-called 'harem' (looking more like just a friend group her tbh) being around. She's the legendary Void Hunter, none of them would get in her way except maybe Burnice and that not out of malice.