A sudden platinum upgrade raffle has appeared!


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AyaReiko said:

The thing is her true personality got exposed and we now know what kind of person she truly is. Furthermore, what we recently learned of her makes a lot of past events make sense.

The woman is a sociopath. She has never demonstrated any true empathy for others.

It doesn't mean anyone needs to erase the past, though.

This is all made up by dramatubers taking advantage of foreign fans that don't know Japanese and guys who won't accept they got catfished. Mafumafu sued her 2 years ago for the exact same case. The courts threw out his abuse and slander case because they proved Rushia never sent those posts and they never lived together. Her phone got hacked and all her information was posted online before Cover scrubbed it. There's no way anyone can actually post Rushia IRL texts without getting their account suspended and sued by Cover. Those posts are from mafumafu's haters that took advantage of Rushia's phone hack. They even went so far as to break into his home multiple times. All the perpetrators have been identified and doxxed but mafumafu refuses to listen to us. He keeps thinking it must be his ex-wife.

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