post #9000000 GET!



on the weapon request, that is a MG34, also just out of curiosity is the other girl Italian Army? Wehrmacht doesn't have any collar star insignia on quick search, Italian 2nd Lieutenants have a star but then again the caption says Eastern Front.
also the machinegunner doesn't have spare barrels on her so good luck with that melting barrel

nvm it just hit me like a train shes eating spaghetti shes italian

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    ThugShakerOf1775 said:

    also just out of curiosity is the other girl Italian Army? Wehrmacht doesn't have any collar star insignia on quick search, Italian 2nd Lieutenants have a star but then again the caption says Eastern Front.

    Italian troops did serve on the Eastern Front, yes, as well as Slovaks and Hungarians. They were mostly under Army Group South (, Ukraine, Stalingrad and the Caucasus). There weren't many of them, and they mostly did second-line duties (well, the Italians were part of the failed attempt to rescue 6th army from Stalingrad), but they were certainly present.

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    For you guys who don't know it, as far as April or march Benito Mussolini could see Hitler Prepqring to attack Soviet union and Benito Mussolini also prepares his troop as well to eastern front and in August 1941 Benito Mussolini Made CSIR (Corpo Spedzione Italiani In Russia) or Italian Expedition Corps in Russia. This Corp was 60,000 strong with many experience Italian troop taken from north Africa and additional green troops. The first combat for CSIR was in August where the Famous thing Italian Do sometimes went unnoticed was "The charge at Izbushensky. Where Italian 3rd cavalry regiment Charge on their Horses Back with Swords, Pistols, Grenades and Lancers against soviet 304th Rifle Division. Italian Basically Routed the whole Soviet Division. And they took of so many left behind equipment and many prisoners even though Soviet had machineguns and artillery. Italian troops were lead by Colonel Alessandro Bettoni di Cazzago. This event Made me fall in love with Italian troops. When in 1942 Mussolini keep seeing good news from eastern front he upgrade his troops in eastern front and officially announced ARMIR (Armata Italiana In Russia) or Italian Army in Russia or about 200,000 troops. He sent more Italian troops to help German. Or they were calles Italian 8th Army. And Basically wiped out in Stalingrad with other Axis Forces.

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    original tag:

    Use this tag when the artwork is an original creation and does not contain characters from established anime or game. This tag exists mainly to tell others that it's NOT a character from an anime or game, so you should use it only when you are certain the character is original.

    While it's clearly inspired in Mashu and Lancelot, the overall design is original. Should FGO ever come out with its own design for Galahad, it will likely not match this one. (Unless they hire him for it, in which case I suppose we'd put it in the Funded pool I guess)

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    KyteM said:


    While it's clearly inspired in Mashu and Lancelot, the overall design is original. Should FGO ever come out with its own design for Galahad, it will likely not match this one. (Unless they hire him for it, in which case I suppose we'd put it in the Funded pool I guess)

    Galahad has a design and this is clearly a depiction of it. Same hair style, same hair color, same armor, in Shielder's color scheme.

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    And if you look at it you can clearly see there's differences in the armor. That one has vambraces instead of gauntlets, a ring in the belt, some sort of cloth covering the breastplate, different pauldron design, less pronounced elbow guards, different leg armor, etc.

    Of course it'd have the same hairstyle, hair color and color scheme, the design is based on the clues given so far.

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    Artie said:

    Gojo because of Unlimited void and how quickly he can bring out his domain.

    Correct me if I'm wrong (or dont its been 4 months I wouldnt blame you) but can't Stars and Stripes just say "No you cant open your domain" or something like that? Although if she didn't get any prep time or prior knowledge, Gojo could 100% just "Domain expansion" and then hit her with the Hollow Purple.

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    thetubbyay6 said:

    Correct me if I'm wrong (or dont its been 4 months I wouldnt blame you) but can't Stars and Stripes just say "No you cant open your domain" or something like that? Although if she didn't get any prep time or prior knowledge, Gojo could 100% just "Domain expansion" and then hit her with the Hollow Purple.

    Technically yes but Stars has to actually touch something in order to place a rule on it, she has no way of making contact with Gojo due to infinity.

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    Yukari:No need to check my age, right?
    Yukari:But I want to buy cigarettes and alcohol.
    Yukari:No problem, right?
    Marissa:No matter how I look at you, you looked old.
    Yukari:When people buy alcohol and cigarettes, isn't it a requirement to check their age?
    Yukari:This is the rule of the store,age checking.
    Yukari: Slacking on the job,huh?
    Yukari:What kind of attitude is this?
    Yukari:What if the customer is a young person,what would happen?
    Rinnosuke:Oh you're here
    Yukari:sorry,but but she said there is no need to check my age.
    Rinnosuke: YOU'RE END UP LIKE THIS!
    Rinnosuke: YOU'RE END UP LIKE THIS!😦
    Rinnosuke: IS THIS GOOD?
    Rinnosuke: I'll said before this is not good.
    Rinnosuke:Sev.... Seventeen?
    Rinnosuke:eight... You're eighteen now?
    Rinnosuke: Congratulations
    Yukari: Thanks.
    Rinnosuke:But doing these is still not allowed!
    (In Japan,the legal drinking age is 20)
    Rinnosuke:Now promise me(in the caption,he refers to himself as big brother)
    Yukari:Ok, I'll promise.
    Rinnosuke:Anyone of us lies would have to swallow 1000 needles.
    Rinnosuke:Now you should appreciate your youthful moments,ok?
    Yukari:Yes I will,thank you.

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