Gomen, Amani. I don't feel sad for you, or angry at anyone. Right now, the world just feels so... wonderful. The merit of having a technique passed down through the generations is that you have an instruction manual. The demerit is that others can take that manual and use it for themselves. You're from the Zenin clan right? That's how you know so much about my technique. But even among the Gojo clan, this is a well-guarded secret. You take the amplified, and the reversal, and smash those two opposing expressions of infinity together, to push out imaginary mass. Imaginary technique: PURPLE
Behold, the hollow purple speech by my 2 kilobyte memory
Unsure about whether the square on the bottle is supposed to be a safety square. The colors seem to be in the wrong places, but that could very well be in order to keep the red sharingan in one of the sides (since it would make for a better composition to put the two eye designs side by side).
Ducks: "You're the best around Nothing's gonna ever keep you down You're the best around Nothing's gonna ever keep you down You're the best around Nothing's gonna ever keep you down!"