According to the artist in a reply, the "cheating gun" line is a nod to something Keanu Reeves said while doing target practice with the TTI PIT VIPER (the sister/predecessor to the SAND VIPER) regarding its ease of shooting
I was about to say the writing in the top left corner doesn't sound like proper german. Turns out its danish. Though, it is missing a 't' at the end. Tinsoldat.
And that's why they force you to quit smoking in the military during an operation. Don't want to compromise your position to the enemy whether by a dim light or smoke trails.
They actually did it. They referenced the Original commercial which was the birthplace of the ran ran ru meme and the start of more than a decade worth of derivative works.
Babies aren't usually born with that much hair, right?
She couldn't really be a newborn given her size. It matches the series at the start when Aqua is first shown narrating the story in ch2 and he's already older than when he was (re)born and his hair has already grown longer and he's able to crawl.
I’m pretty sure it at least takes another generation or more to actually get noticeable effects of incest. I could be wrong on this though.
Nah, paternal twins already have 50% of the genes being similar, don't need for second generation for the regressive harmful to resurface (same with parent-child and non-identical twin incest)
Nah, paternal twins already have 50% of the genes being similar, don't need for second generation for the regressive harmful to resurface (same with parent-child and non-identical twin incest)
This is just stitched together screenshots from the show, I don't think the artist meant to pass this off as his own art (because he made other posts where he said they were stitches).