In ZZZ's fishing minigame, either playable character can fish up sharks weighing up to 180kg/396lbs, and it seemingly takes as little effort as fishing up a .7kg/1.5lbs minnow.
In ZZZ's fishing minigame, either playable character can fish up sharks weighing up to 180kg/396lbs, and it seemingly takes as little effort as fishing up a .7kg/1.5lbs minnow.
Well, these two goobers survived an explosion point blank range so any feats of strange strength isn't too surprising.
.... I honestly don't know how to feel about the fact that Belle was able to wrangle what is maybe a 180kg shark while sporting those 'beefy' arms. I've wrangled a Catfish that weighed in 24.8kg and that was hard. Although fictional for someone so small and lightweight, it's impressive.
Haven't read anything about her yet, why with pictures of her holding camera?
She's a huge keiba uma racing nerd to the point she'll head out to the racetracks pretty much every week while hauling about a massive camera, according to her official character profile. How massive a camera isn't disclosed or depicited yet, but the fandom is naturally trending towards "ludicrous".
that might explain why we have highly accurate screenshots of umas racing. She is likely the one doing it for the player, for free.
Imagine that the shots whenever she is on the field are janky mom and pop types that are focused on anything other than the actual winning moment most of the time because anyone else just can't capture it as well.
Lily said she can't fight anymore and she's wearing the Umbral Knight's cloak... Did she put all her spirits to rest when she purified Land's End, or since Bloom in the Mist isn't really her story, we just didn't get to see?
Lily said she can't fight anymore and she's wearing the Umbral Knight's cloak... Did she put all her spirits to rest when she purified Land's End, or since Bloom in the Mist isn't really her story, we just didn't get to see?
Or, possibly, they got left behind. In the non-canon ending, when you reach the border of the Land's End, the Umbral Knight has to stay because he's apparently bound to the land. This would make sense if all the explanations on the nature of the Blight provided in the second game are taken into consideration.
Lily said she can't fight anymore and she's wearing the Umbral Knight's cloak... Did she put all her spirits to rest when she purified Land's End, or since Bloom in the Mist isn't really her story, we just didn't get to see?
Another theory is that since the Land of Fumes has an anti-Blight barrier set-up, Lily can't bring the Umbral Knight and the other Blighted spirits with her inside and they're just outside the barrier waiting until she finish her business.
C'mon, almost everyone significantfrom the 2012 gen is an Uma character now except you and Brillante.... Well, and Straight Girl.
If there's any owner or contract issues holding them back (not for Justa of course), maybe the players should get on to harassing the real obstacles until they concede instead of ragging on the Cygames team who are working CDPR crunch to port all these honses they already have.
If there's any owner or contract issues holding them back (not for Justa of course), maybe the players should get on to harassing the real obstacles until they concede instead of ragging on the Cygames team who are working CDPR crunch to port all these honses they already have.
Because we should pester Sunday Racing (owner of Brillante) and Shueisha (who likely has a big stake on Justaway's name), both of which are now highly involved with the IP? It's an argument that would've made sense in 2022 when Shadai horses were a pipe dream, but not in 2025.
It's an argument that would've made sense in 2022 when Shadai horses were a pipe dream, but not in 2025.
Still makes more sense that any amount of saying that Cygames needs to move in order for those horses to get in. What, they're magically going to convince the owners after being refused in the past?
Okay her ears are technically a part of her body she can technically move them but I think it should add to her height just being devil's advocate here
Okay her ears are technically a part of her body she can technically move them but I think it should add to her height just being devil's advocate here