post #9000000 GET!



I first saw this a few months ago but it's only now after uploading it here that I notice the eyes are off :/ That being said, I do wonder what this outfit is; it doesn't look like any of the existing Lost Word outfit tags we have here

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    andlabs said:

    I first saw this a few months ago but it's only now after uploading it here that I notice the eyes are off :/ That being said, I do wonder what this outfit is; it doesn't look like any of the existing Lost Word outfit tags we have here

    Same one as post #7705170. Currently doesn't have a tag and it's official art hasn't been uploaded yet

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    alphamone said:
    what is the radius called that refers to the point in which a particle of light moving at a ninety degree angle to the black hole can no longer maintain a stable orbit?

    Possibly the event horizon? It's not normally framed in those terms, but if a photon entered the event horizon exactly tangential to the black hole's surface, it would in theory orbit forever, and if it was even the tiniest bit less than 90 degrees, it would eventually fall into the center.

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    Bankoru said:

    I think you're just referring to the ergosphere

    From what I’ve heard the ergosphere is a region of space around a black hole created by both its incredible gravity and the insane speed of its spin (yes, black holes spin, at least the singularities do), where spacetime, and thus anything in it, gets dragged along in the direction the black hole is spinning. If you wanted to stay still you would have to be traveling faster than light. It’s why an accretion disc is always seen swirling around the event horizon like a whirlpool instead of just falling straight into it.

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