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M.D said:

At first I thought it could be a misunderstanding but he is INSIDE of another city and not her, which is even funnier

Not just inside of another city he even said "moved to another" as if it sounded like he is ditching her.

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    I bloody love this stuff, Green Tea being my favourite, shame Pocky is somewhat expensive in England at around £1.80 for the basic chocolate flavour. Damned sugar tax ruining the prices. No idea what the yellow one in the image is. Some sort of Banana flavour?

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    Ooga_Booga_91 said:

    I bloody love this stuff, Green Tea being my favourite, shame Pocky is somewhat expensive in England at around £1.80 for the basic chocolate flavour. Damned sugar tax ruining the prices. No idea what the yellow one in the image is. Some sort of Banana flavour?

    I have good memories of snacking on this stuff, too. Here in Washington state, it's gotten easier to find Pocky than ever these days.

    The yellow is "chocolate-covered banana" flavor.

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    What the hell is that creature? Tag says pokemom but I've never seen that one before. Looks like a brown poo with face, kinda cute though. I haven't played a pokemon game since gen 5 so i don't really know about any of the new stuff.

    Edit: im a dumbass and didnt see the character tag because of my sleep deprived brain.

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