All right, so part of the reason I'm uploading this one is because I'm hoping the wider Danbooru community can source this properly. I have tried SauceNAO, Google Image Search, TinEye,, and ascii2d to figure out who made this. Every single result on all of these — if there *is* a result, that is — is a repost somewhere, and is almost always a smaller resolution than the file here (which comes from GBAtemp).
The earliest verifiable date I could find was February 19, 2013, from TinEye linking to a defunct webiste called ActionBash ( link), which was also just reposting it unsourced from elsewhere. This would be correct for the first panel, as Lebron was on the Heat at the time. It definitely can't be from before The Decision, which was July 8, 2010, or if you want to get speculative, November 13, 2009 when he changed his jersey number to 6 (it was 23 during his time in Cleveland in the 2000s).
Apologies for the iffy quality of the art here.