Hakodate <-> Sapporo will be the worst part, even by express train that takes hours, and the planned Shinkansen is delayed. Going to Asahikawa is worth it just to see the penguins...
I'm not 100% sure, but this looks a lot like a black-legged parrot, but the claw colors don't match
Based on the white ring on the eyes and the telltale down-facing cream colored beak, it's a lovebird. The ones with these particular coloration are aptly named mango lovebirds
Why do people these days have to spoil great things by putting nazi shit over them?
Probably to piss off liberals... Even if it means making [insert character name] do shit that's so out of character that it makes less than no sense to the majority of people, Left or Right.
Probably to piss off liberals... Even if it means making [insert character name] do shit that's so out of character that it makes less than no sense to the majority of people, Left or Right.
once youve made your like 60th anime character in nazi uniform fan art thou it kinda just seems like your just a "wehaboo" more than anything dedicated to other people or jokes. obviously like "owning libs" is just a bonus for them.
Ok, I know this site isn't reddit or any other online forum to discuss ideas, but as someone who is new to Puella magi madoka magica, the overall narrative of the series resembled the Lovecraftian sci-fi of the half-life and the SCP Foundation.
The magical girls are comparable like SCP GOI factions, The incubators are precursor aliens take some form of earth's resource, the masquerade from the rest of humanity, the constant time-traveling, and overpowering/underpowering of other magical or anomalous characters and so on.
Its narrative is mixture of urban fantasy, Sci-fi, and cosmic horror and Studio SHAFT's art style is dark and semi-realistic as valve's art. I don't know, but this might be why this IP appeals to me.
Tagged as T-90 but I'm not super sure on that identification so feel free to correct it if you think it looks more like one of the weird modernized T-62 variants or whatever (who even can keep track of them all) that have been coming out of the war. The only real hard identification is the cope cage and the stack of e-war equipment on the roof of the turret.
correct it if you think it looks more like one of the weird modernized T-62 variants or whatever (who even can keep track of them all) that have been coming out of the war.
Scale model makers be eating good, eh? That said, it's definitely a T-90M (general shape of the turret, CITV), though a few details threw me off at first. Namely, the canvas bagged ERA at the hull (I thought they got rid of those after early war?) and the lower turret K-1 bricks (don't recall seeing those before).
Artist's commentary Translation On 7/1 (Thursday) midnight, a new unit arrives! Helene [CV: Yukina Shuto/Illustrator: mikan ame(G-ROW)] "What is it, why are you staring me like that. People would think that's bad manners you know. ... You didn't mean anything ill? How straight. There's no lies and malice in your voice. Alright, I will approve of you. Let us go together."
TL note: the original wording of the last part where she says "I approve of you" was "this helene will approve of you" in Japanese.
@Damian0358: My man, I really like what you posted on this site, a very interesting pick you have there!
I even commented and retweeted it. That's how much I love this piece of art; credit to the original artist, of course. From the digital idol realm, here she comes, our Ultrawoman Miku!*
It's a quote from a comment I made on a tweet with the same concept.