


downvote_bot said:

i dont understand why this meme of real person can ended up on anime image board

even it got approved

It never was approved but uploaded by an unrestricted user.
That being said, even apart from the subject the image is depicting, the drawing is really not good.

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    For most people it's algebra, especially around the point when all the numbers start disappearing to be replaced by letters. For some it's the more abstract stuff, like the definition of a function, or limits. But for Light O, it's NON-LINEAR FUNCTIONS.

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    NNescio said:

    For most people it's algebra, especially around the point when all the numbers start disappearing to be replaced by letters. For some it's the more abstract stuff, like the definition of a function, or limits. But for Light O, it's NON-LINEAR FUNCTIONS.

    or for us who took Trigonometry back in 1st year high school... cursed curved o'tips

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