post #9000000 GET!


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YSOMN said:

Huh, didn't know that. If that's the case, then I'll make sure to add the color tag from now on.

Seems to work best when they're inside the header box.

I assume it's because the <h1> and <h2> come with their own colour definitions, possibly inherited from other parts of the site.

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    C-light said:

    Seems to work best when they're inside the header box.

    I assume it's because the <h1> and <h2> come with their own colour definitions, possibly inherited from other parts of the site.

    I reckon that's the case, yeah. I recall trying to use the "div" tag I usually put to center the titles to change the color of the text, but the "h1" tag would override that. What didn't cross my mind is that dark mode would interfere with this.

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    C-light said:

    I've taken the liberty of adding formatting to the header notes to change the colour of the text black.

    For whatever reason, when using darkmode they show up as pale white and are nearly invisible.

    This should probably be reported as a bug in the forums so a more permanent solution can be implemented. If people have to set the color tag to black every time just so people can view it in dark mode, then there's something wrong.

    Or if the problem is with the h1 and h2 tags, maybe the font size tag will work better.

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    Blank_User said:

    This should probably be reported as a bug in the forums so a more permanent solution can be implemented. If people have to set the color tag to black every time just so people can view it in dark mode, then there's something wrong.

    Or if the problem is with the h1 and h2 tags, maybe the font size tag will work better.

    Forum report made as topic #29731

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    bunkhead said:

    I don't quite like how the backpack looks.

    This Gundam unironically has better theoretical central mass movement range thanks to that backpack unit compared to other gundams with atrocious wing-style backpacks. Don't mind if they model it after literal pipes, although the blue and yellow 'heat exhaust fins' on the top looks too much, without it the booster would look terribly out of place.

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    Maybe most people do, but there is an almost total earth population that don't record their crimes, post them themselves online, pretend they never happened even when they are right there AND cite The Bible when they don't even follow a religion. There is hypocrisy and then the hypocrisy (with capital letters) mixed with a lack of common sense.

  • -14
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    rom_collector said:

    Maybe most people do, but there is an almost total earth population that don't record their crimes, post them themselves online, pretend they never happened even when they are right there AND cite The Bible when they don't even follow a religion. There is hypocrisy and then the hypocrisy (with capital letters) mixed with a lack of common sense.

    Okay, which e-girl rejected you? I have never heard of an influencer citing the Bible as a defense for their actions. Why didn't you just all caps the second hypocrisy? Are you okay? Mentally, I mean. Do you just not know how to get by each day without creating villains in your head to rant about completely unprompted on an anime image board?

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    blindVigil said:

    Okay, which e-girl rejected you? I have never heard of an influencer citing the Bible as a defense for their actions. Why didn't you just all caps the second hypocrisy? Are you okay? Mentally, I mean. Do you just not know how to get by each day without creating villains in your head to rant about completely unprompted on an anime image board?

    Man I'm still surprised that guy continues to spark meaningless arguements without doing anything great here, aside for inciting arguements time to time.

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    I recommend adding this CSS in your account settings because rom_collector contributes nothing of value and we don't have a block/mute button yet.

    /* Hide user comments  */
        display: none !important;


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    It's curious how some people here get triggered for a comment that was not targeted at them and yet take it too personal. This is a comment section, people comment here... that's what the section is for. Either you need to stay less in danbooru, touch some grass or interact with real people like I do (probably all of the above). I don't even comment that much unlike some of you do. Not counting the insane number of time you spend stalking, uploading, taging and forum posting (things I don't do here).

    This is a comment buried between hundreds every day, if I live rent free in your head is not my fault. The problem is you, just move along and enjoy life. You'll regret it later.

  • -24
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