post #9000000 GET!



CaptainRemington said:

That'd be the wrong Springfield though. The rear peepsight was only on the A3 and some Sporterized variants. The OG has the sights in front of the bolt.

as right as you are, its also missing its rear sight leaf if it was an 1903 and 1903a1\

also the one in game is kinda an amalgamation of a few springfields. from what i can tell it uses an a1 type C stock with an a3 style upper handguard and missing both a rear aperture and leaf sight.

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    ...this doesn't quite make sense to me since Monolithians are hostile to everyone except the zombies... she would more likely to blow Ecologist-chan's brains out... Unless she happens to be in Noontide who are former Monolithians who are not under the control anymore

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    Weebson said:

    ...this doesn't quite make sense to me since Monolithians are hostile to everyone except the zombies... she would more likely to blow Ecologist-chan's brains out... Unless she happens to be in Noontide who are former Monolithians who are not under the control anymore

    Don't quote me on this, but I think that one got her brainwashing mostly removed. I vaguely remember her having flashbacks, so she might be one of these Noontide you mentioned.

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    FRien said:

    Don't quote me on this, but I think that one got her brainwashing mostly removed. I vaguely remember her having flashbacks, so she might be one of these Noontide you mentioned.

    very sad that Noontide are back being Monolithians after the failed SIRCAA experiment in Stalker 2 though... Oh poor, poor Strider and his guys.

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    Weebson said:

    very sad that Noontide are back being Monolithians after the failed SIRCAA experiment in Stalker 2 though... Oh poor, poor Strider and his guys.

    I said to not quote me!
    Well that sucks. Shame the Monolith is still around.

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