post #9000000 GET!


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someguyted said:

I do wish when people do this, no matter the racial-political ramifications, that they’d at least alter the color scheme of the outfit to better compliment the change in skintone

I feel this color palette actually works quite nice with a darker skin color, a lot of traditional clothing from, say, Latin America uses a lot of bright colors and whites
Her skirt is longer to fit with those types of clothing too
There's clearly some thought behind it

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    Shibi said:

    I feel this color palette actually works quite nice with a darker skin color, a lot of traditional clothing from, say, Latin America uses a lot of bright colors and whites
    Her skirt is longer to fit with those types of clothing too
    There's clearly some thought behind it

    I guess, but I still feel the skintone gets muddied together with the reds

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