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downvote_bot said:

now whole family can reunited in another world

Plot twist: They ended up in separated worlds rather than in the same one. (or, they got the Kumoko treatment and they reincarnated in different species.)

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    I noticed something. Freckles Nun's papa has a pompadour-style hairdo, and on a note it's says that he wants (or being drawn by Freckles Nun herself) a bigger pompadour. It's makes me think that, if we follow the timeline a bit later or early, she lived around the 60s at the earliest or the 50s at the latest before moving away to the convey. And grew up to be a full nun by the time of the 1970s. (which means JC-ish Little Nuns (and froggy/hook-bang and hungry/gluttonous nuns) could have been living in the latest 70s/early 80s as the main timeframe of the series.

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    The scene is inspired by the "Rhythms of Darkness" story from the old Marvel Transformers comic, although taking more from Galvatron''s toy design rather than his comic one (note the red/maroon parts, as well as the tread parts behind the shoulders, neither of which appear in the comic character's art)

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