post #9000000 GET!



Guy on the left is the president of South Korea who just tried to declare martial law for the first time in half a century for reasons that definitely didn't include jailing opposition leaders and overturning the election his party lost. It only lasted 6 hours because no one, not even his own party which is led by the guy on the right, wanted to support him and the whole legislature came together to veto his declaration.

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    marcymal said:

    Guy on the left is the president of South Korea who just tried to declare martial law for the first time in half a century for reasons that definitely didn't include jailing opposition leaders and overturning the election his party lost. It only lasted 6 hours because no one, not even his own party which is led by the guy on the right, wanted to support him and the whole legislature came together to veto his declaration.

    Who in their right mind would want a dictator as ruler of their democratic country? ah right... yes, masochistic imbeciles who believe that if they have their vladimidolf Putler their virginities will disappear and they will be """""Chads""""" (reads "chuds")

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    marcymal said:

    Guy on the left is the president of South Korea who just tried to declare martial law for the first time in half a century for reasons that definitely didn't include jailing opposition leaders and overturning the election his party lost. It only lasted 6 hours because no one, not even his own party which is led by the guy on the right, wanted to support him and the whole legislature came together to veto his declaration.

    Slight correction on this. The "whole legislature" didn't come together, just the people that opposed what he was doing. The vote to repeal the martial law was unanimous, but that's because only people that opposed it actually showed up to vote, because he had military posted around the building to stop anyone getting in. The legislators had to risk their lives sneaking in to vote, and of course the people fine with what was happening weren't going to risk their lives.

    It wouldn't have mattered either way, the people that did show up and vote made up the majority.

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