post #9000000 GET!



zerotoinfinity said:

As a pet owner, this hits way too close to home. Watching your beloved pet succumb to its inevitable death is gut-wrenching to witness. It actually nearly made me cry. ;(

I actually had to go through this very thing last weekend. Had to put to rest my little dog who had been with me for thirteen years.

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    Monki said:

    I actually had to go through this very thing last weekend. Had to put to rest my little dog who had been with me for thirteen years.

    Oh, I am terribly sorry to hear it. My condolences to your little pal. I lost a few of my pet cats, some ran away, some died.
    And it left a huge hole in my heart, that I would never be able to recover from it. I can relate to your situation there, mate.

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    zerotoinfinity said:

    As a pet owner, this hits way too close to home. Watching your beloved pet succumb to its inevitable death is gut-wrenching to witness. It actually nearly made me cry. ;(

    Losing pets is never easy, and when the subject comes up in media it's quick way to make me cry

    Monki Said:
    I actually had to go through this very thing last weekend. Had to put to rest my little dog who had been with me for thirteen years.

    My condolences for your loss.

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    zerotoinfinity said:

    Oh, I am terribly sorry to hear it. My condolences to your little pal. I lost a few of my pet cats, some ran away, some died.
    And it left a huge hole in my heart, that I would never be able to recover from it. I can relate to your situation there, mate.

    We saw it coming for the past few months she was less and less herself and seemed to be just drifting away. Was clear she didn't have long left and that time would just be full of pain and stress for her so we made the decision to let her rest.

    What really hurts is that she just barely passed her thirteenth birthday and now we're about to go into Christmas without her.

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yujin_(project_moon) yun_(project_moon) yuna_(project_moon) yuri_(project_moon) zena_(project_moon) zulu_(project_moon) character_request highres 6+boys 6+girls 6+others absolutely_everyone ahoge animal_ears black_eyes black_hair blonde_hair blue_eyes blue_hair blush bowler_hat brown_hair brown_hat bug cat_boy cat_ears cat_girl cigarette clock closed_eyes cockroach company_logo dog_ears dreadlocks earpiece everyone eye_mask eyepatch feather_hair_ornament feathers fire glasses glowing glowing_eyes goggles goggles_on_head gold_trim green_eyes green_hair grey_hair hair_ornament hair_over_one_eye hairband hat helmet hood hood_up hourglass long_hair mask microphone monocle multicolored_hair multiple_boys multiple_girls multiple_others object_head open_mouth orange_eyes orange_hair pirate_hat red_eyes red_hairband respirator round_eyewear santa_hat scar scar_across_eye side_ponytail smile streaked_hair sweat sword syringe top_hat virtual_youtuber weapon white_eyes white_hair wrinkled_skin yellow-framed_eyewear yellow_eyes

    you may be thinking "wow that's a lot of character tags! how is there still character_request" well i don't know who the people next to bari and the fanghunt fixer are. on the 1st row.
    i've failed the literacy check and i'm awaiting execution.

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    Shibi said:

    you may be thinking "wow that's a lot of character tags! how is there still character_request" well i don't know who the people next to bari and the fanghunt fixer are. on the 1st row.
    i've failed the literacy check and i'm awaiting execution.

    The hag that Rodion fucking murders lmao

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