


Oh_My said:

Is this implying Sensei had two wives?

I wondered this too, but it makes sense that Noa would still be around given she's close to Yuuka.

And they would be sharing the portrait, I think, as opposed to Yuuka solely holding it.

Definitely not biased in this thought, though.

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    HateNigfas said:

    Why did Sensei gave Aris the woke game?

    XoftheTITANS said:

    Damn, what did Aris do to get a sh!t game. Congratz to Yuzu getting the better prize/gift.


    Do I even want to know what you two are on about?

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    Alanis_the_Evoker said:

    Okay, it's pretty clear at this point that Sensei's suicidally dense. Why else would he be doing these things, given what he should know about the situation?

    Alanis, killed by a writer named Momoi

    Midori!!! Momoi’s too busy looking excited

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    I do least expected GDD will be involved to this shinanigan, then I forgot Midori... welp there are still JTF, Make-Up Club, Seminar, Pandemonium (on this case Iroha probably), the Ninja Club, the Stalkers Alliance... and Wakamo.

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    Zekana said:

    Does the entire universe revolve around this one teacher?

    when you're basically the only competent politician- I mean teacher in an entire city who is also backed by the actual governing body then everyone will turn eyes at you, regardless of whether they love you or not. that's just what sensei is.

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    Harmonic_Vector said:

    You have like no idea. The whole reason the GSC had talked to us at the beginning was because certain causes that erupted from our absence effectively doomed humanity, and she blames herself for it. We're like the sole proponent for why some students don't go off the deep end.

    Not absence. Sensei was already within Kivotos but because he is put in a sideline (aka SCHALE doesn't exist) and the GSC was in control in discisions stuff happen

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