


Aqros161 said:

how do you even find that

So, in this case I happened to recognize the fence and it's color because it's pretty distinctive, and in the context of a jirai kei being there it's not that unexpected. This is corroberated by the other pages in this comic, even though this was the first one that got me to pay attention to it. After realizing it's this park, it's just a matter of checking all sides (one side doesn't have this fence), and post #8136076 also helped locate it in relation to the toilets block.


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    MisterJuice said:

    He is possibly the pettiest hater in comics lol


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    Context / Reference:

    A popular reaction image used on forums like Something Awful / Facepunch (RIP) / Knockout with a large userbase of people with some connection to Source games like TF2. There has always been a large divide between the pro-anime and anti-anime people in the TF2 community. So whenever the discussion in a thread became "too anime" it's been a tradition for the antis to spam this reaction image.

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    RNGCombo said:

    There's been multiple new installments from various series which have had to sit through a period of unanimous unapproval. I'm not sure if it's a growing trend or troubled individuals running sockpuppets.

    Considering that it only takes one approver to approve a post, I'm curious how you think sockpuppets could possibly affect the situation at all. Even if someone had a hundred sockpuppets and somehow managed to get them all promoted to approver without raising suspicions, what difference would it make? They could all choose not to approve a post, and it would still take only one other person to approve it.

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    iridescent_slime said:

    Considering that it only takes one approver to approve a post, I'm curious how you think sockpuppets could possibly affect the situation at all. Even if someone had a hundred sockpuppets and somehow managed to get them all promoted to approver without raising suspicions, what difference would it make? They could all choose not to approve a post, and it would still take only one other person to approve it.

    ...and it seems we finally got that guy! Eighth's time the charm I guess...

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    Armathos said:

    Akagi should have to bear a heavier burden to earn forgiveness. You don't get to start a war, commit innumerable atrocities and then claim victim status later. Whether grim, the literal embodiment of the fighter squadron that protected Yorktown, and then Enterprise, is less than pleasant to others is irrelevant. Nothing he has done, nothing he could have done, compares even a little to what Akagi and Kaga have done, never mind Japan as a whole.

    Mindsets like yours are why wounds are so scarce to heal. If you haven't already please seek psychological counseling. You need it.

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    Vegeta002 said:

    I am referring to the ship, the ship correctly referred to with male pronouns.

    Except "she" is the correct pronoun for Bismark, despite what that idiot of a captain thought. He believed that Bismarck should be considered male because she was the most powerful battleship Germany ever made despite the fact that there were at least EIGHT battleships in the world that had more firepower, and most of those also had radar that didn't get ruined when the rifles fired.

    So no, Bismarck is a she, not a he.

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    hunter81095 said:

    Except "she" is the correct pronoun for Bismark, despite what that idiot of a captain thought. He believed that Bismarck should be considered male because she was the most powerful battleship Germany ever made despite the fact that there were at least EIGHT battleships in the world that had more firepower, and most of those also had radar that didn't get ruined when the rifles fired.

    So no, Bismarck is a she, not a he.

    Bismarck, like every ship ever built anywhere, is an inanimate object. It is not a he, nor a she, it is a THING.

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    Armathos said:

    Bismarck, like every ship ever built anywhere, is an inanimate object. It is not a he, nor a she, it is a THING.

    Ships have always historically used female pronouns and that trend continues today. Try having this argument with real sailors and see how much they care.

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    blindVigil said:

    Ships have always historically used female pronouns and that trend continues today. Try having this argument with real sailors and see how much they care.

    Which would only show how some people are stupidly attached to inanimate objects as if they were alive.

    We play a game that makes characters out of these ships because it's fun and yostar can relatively easily write amusing or interesting scenarios based on their service histories.

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    Armathos said:

    Which would only show how some people are stupidly attached to inanimate objects as if they were alive.

    We play a game that makes characters out of these ships because it's fun and yostar can relatively easily write amusing or interesting scenarios based on their service histories.

    Considering that ship is the only thing between you and a watery grave, it made sense for sailors to treat their vessels with the utmost respect. Treating them like a lady one might say.

    That tradition continues even today, with very few languages making the exception. Ships are either women or gendered after who they're named after.

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    Vegeta002 said:

    More likely "Bismarck", the Sabaton song about how awesome the Bismarck was.

    Which actually kinda makes me wonder how AL Bismarck feels about the real world Bismarck being male, making her one of the only known genderswapped characters.

    Eh, that's a point of contention. As far as it is to my knowledge only two people ever called IRL Bismarck male during that time; the ship's CO and the CO of the submarine U-556. Everyone else both their crews and elsewise called her "she". This of course excludes Naval Historians and Sabaton's retellings of those two men, has referred to Bismarck as the traditional "she" across the board.
    Personally I side with maintaining her as herself due to the alleged reasoning of the COs for calling Bismarck "him" just being a pitiful attempt to somehow snub Hitler, as opposed to trying to make any noble statements regarding naval ship naming conventions or really anything else really naval related. The part that actually matters for ship's.
    I don't mind bucking traditional conventions if there is a sound reasoning for doing so, however being politically petty isn't sound, it's just sad.


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    I once had a crush on the artist who drew this but then I realized that was weird and parasocial and that also they weren't interested in people like me which taught me the importance of never crushing on people who draw the chicken nugget from maxdesignpro known for singing Cotton Eyed Joe.

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    YuugiFan1954 said:

    I once had a crush on the artist who drew this but then I realized that was weird and parasocial and that also they weren't interested in people like me which taught me the importance of never crushing on people who draw the chicken nugget from maxdesignpro known for singing Cotton Eyed Joe.


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