


I'm a crab, a crab
You're also a crab
Because we're crabs
Rock-paper-scissor remains a draw
On both hands
Doing peace sign
Crab crab crab crab
It's peaceful,
Everyone's close friends
Crab crab crab crab

I'm a crab, a crab
You're also a crab
Because we're crabs
Rock-paper-scissor remains a draw
On both hands
Doing peace sign
Crab crab crab crab
It's peaceful,
Everyone's close friends

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    as others have pointed out: there's some interesting implications to the fact that Kikyou is clearly worried about Kasuza eating the cake + Serika eating pre-packaged food instead of the cake... did Kayoko lace it with something (or, at the very least, do they think she did)?

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    What a news to wake up to.

    Well its technically not really a graduation but man... Seeing her stop streaming... Its gonna take a while to get used to. Well shes still going to be with working with Hololive in some capacity, but rather then a streamer or idol she decided to change to a supportive role.

    Maybe its just cope, but I can see her be the first one helping out her Myth members if they do decided a 3D live or home 3D.

    Just like when she played Outer Wilds, shes going the AME WAY!


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