


Brucelee41126 said:

Considering they're lifetime war buddies and probably one of the oldest operators Kal has to vent to...

Kal probably knows what should and shouldn't kill the crazy vampire anyway. She's fine.

Also, she's a masochist here.

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    FJH said:

    What's wrong with Janissary hats?

    When devs were making graphics for janissaries, they thought they look too much like the racist clan with the white hat and robe so they simply removed the robe.

    We are getting the hat back in the new announced update as the graphic for elite upgraded janies tho.

    Finally, Bosnian children get to wear their funny hats!

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    Obscuras said:

    This feels like something that Deadpool would do.
    I guess Stelle can officially join the Meme-Makers.

    Let's be honest. The trailblazer character is represented by us the gamer/geek/weeb and many more forms. Any chance to insert meme to referenceto show/anime/movie/food and many more we will do it!

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