post #9000000 GET!


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Kaktus_Lata said:

People are acting like this is actually going to fix anything.

You can't deny that it definitely opened a can of worms. The most important thing to come out of this is the reaction to the public's reaction. People are definitely taking notice of the lack of remorse for the victim and the praise for the shooter. I am not justifying violence, but I'm not sure what other event would climb its way to the top of the press so easily and get people talking/taking sides so quickly. And it only takes 1 copycat for people to start seeing this as a "trend" against CEOs. Again, not condoning violence, just how I think things would play out. But as a side note I do condone violence

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    I've read rumors the CEO may have been willing to testify against certain parties regarding insider trading. Probably in exchange for having his own crimes forgiven. So the shooter was hardly an activist.

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    Ministers, elected presidents and now a CEO. This could be the beginning for a capitalism restructure. They can't hide from a global population with just some body guards forever.

    I told you Elon acting like a cool rich with people is only a false appearance. He is not different to a Rockefeller, just trying to cover his arse. They have been told before they are at risk if poverty keeps increasing. They are also afraid of a possible revolution against them.

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    T34-38 said:

    Is just me or the upcoming BA event is literally this?

    I mean, it was teased months ago in the anniversary PV, among other things, so we knew Koyuki was in the event... and Koyuki is, in fact, Koyuki.

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    Varike said:

    I mean, it was teased months ago in the anniversary PV, among other things, so we knew Koyuki was in the event... and Koyuki is, in fact, Koyuki.

    I'm pretty aware that it is just Koyuki in pajamas and nothing else "questionable" so to see the upcoming event is basically "Koyuki correction event" made it even more hilarious.

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    ArtLoverGEM said:

    Saori blew a hole in Hieronymus the same way she blew a hole in Sensei

    If you went up to this point in the story, the team Sensei summoned with his card are not the students that are helping him right now. Rather the students summoned by him is implied to be "his" students from another place (in game you're force to use your own students for this boss fight instead of using story characters, making this boss fight huge gatekeep for low level accounts) hence why this Saori is no longer wearing her mask and is perfectly okay with her face reveal.

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