A sudden platinum upgrade raffle has appeared!


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FWP said:

Somebody mod Generals to replace Black Lotus with Meiling

I know there's plenty of stuff fans do, but that's such a niche, I doubt anybody would do it. That is unless someone already has, which if that's the case, I'm sad to not know about it.

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    Direct source link, including the original filename:

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    Memoria Description:

    Rarity: *4
    Memoria Type: Active
    Ability: Chance to Anti-Evade [VI] on Self for 1 turn (cooldown 5 turns)
    Max Limit Break Ability: Guaranteed Anti-Evade on Self for 1 turn (cooldown 4 turns)
    Description (JP): 「どれだけ被害が出ないように努めていたとしても ワタシたち魔法少女にとって大切なのはグリーフシードです いくら手を結びあったとしても、我慢には限界があります この後も魔女の涸渇が続いていれば争いは酷くなっていたと思います」
    Description (ENG): We must face that, as Magical Girls, Grief Seeds are what matter... no matter how we may try to avoid injuries. There are limits to our patience, no matter how often we join forces. If the Witch drought continues, I fear our fights may grow even more vicious.

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    "If you don't know who the character is, how do you know she's from FGO?" Is what I was going to ask, but then I saw that the person who added Character Request was someone else so I guess that's fine. . . except that clicking the provided source, it says the character is a OC and makes no mention of FGO, so I'll be removing the tags.

    Do correct me if I'm wrong tho.

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    Kaktus_Lata said:

    I understand wanting to protest the war, but this seems like a dumb way to do it.

    It's like bringing a deer carcass into a vegan restaurant - it's rude, uncalled for, it tries to force something antithetical into the community, it's almost exclusively done for selfish and narcissistic reasons, and the people who do this sort of thing tend to have zero awareness of what they're even bringing to the table or how much of assholes they're being.

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    Political stuff should be banned already.
    It's always shoved in, in the most obnoxious way, and any critic about it is met with a "oh so if you don't like the picture that means you disagree with it, therefore I win" comment.

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