


That might be Supreme Federal Court justice Alexandre de Moraes in the background, of recent internet fame for blocking Twitter in Brazil when Elon threw a hissy fit with its government, which happened around the time Brazilian Miku was born, and if so is a hilarious and nearly absurd reference to include. Here's a picture of the funny cape & belt combo they use. I'm not sure who the buried person is supposed to be, if anyone.


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    Obscuras said:

    This feels like something that Deadpool would do.
    I guess Stelle can officially join the Meme-Makers.

    Let's be honest. The trailblazer character is represented by us the gamer/geek/weeb and many more forms. Any chance to insert meme to referenceto show/anime/movie/food and many more we will do it!

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    Found this on 4chan, saucenao still gave me the pixiv link even though the original post is deleted. Searched the image hash on 4chan archives and posts with it went all the way back to 2009 so I'm pretty sure the image wasn't modified or recompressed any time since then, it should still be the same original file from the pixiv upload.

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