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KazuyaRazuKazama said:

I'm curious, seeing how these pics are going... wouldn't this be Chen and her child?

Adult Chen looks like Yukari, sure enough, but you can see her tails.

Catlike tails, darker hair than Yukari, orange tabard and pompom things. It looks to me like you're right.

Edit: Also, the source is tagged 橙 but not 紫, for what it's worth.


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    fuzzygnome said:

    She was probably being introduced in that comment. Unless the artist has made other distant future images, this is her only scene.

    ninryu said:

    Who? I'm not familiar with that OC.

    From 8 years later(~_~;)

    Her name is “八雲土留” Yakumo Dodome
    (We know that Yakumo's familie have colors in their names。SO,the "土留 Dodome "It's an color. But it is not clearly defined.It used for blue lips, bruising after bruising, denoting red purple, blue purple or black purple. Similar to the color of lavender and mulberry)

    came from touhou fan fiction《時には昔の話を》(you know, the music name from「红の豚」)A touching story well known among Japanese touhou fan.

    It tells the story of Reimu arrival in the 12,000 years later's Gensokyo,friendship between the characters,meaning of Spell Card Rules……
    In this future,Dodome is CHEN's————
    Shikigami of Shikigami of Shikigami of Shikigami of Shikigami of Shikigami of Shikigami of Shikigami of Shikigami of Shikigami of Shikigami of Shikigami of Shikigami of Shikigami of Shikigami of !!

    Here's the link to the article
    Of course, no English
    but there also have chinses! i know this?)(Because I'm the translator for thisXD)

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    东海之山 said:

    From 8 years later(~_~;)

    Her name is “八雲土留” Yakumo Dodome
    (We know that Yakumo's familie have colors in their names。SO,the "土留 Dodome "It's an color. But it is not clearly defined.It used for blue lips, bruising after bruising, denoting red purple, blue purple or black purple. Similar to the color of lavender and mulberry)

    came from touhou fan fiction《時には昔の話を》(you know, the music name from「红の豚」)A touching story well known among Japanese touhou fan.

    It tells the story of Reimu arrival in the 12,000 years later's Gensokyo,friendship between the characters,meaning of Spell Card Rules……
    In this future,Dodome is CHEN's————
    Shikigami of Shikigami of Shikigami of Shikigami of Shikigami of Shikigami of Shikigami of Shikigami of Shikigami of Shikigami of Shikigami of Shikigami of Shikigami of Shikigami of Shikigami of !!

    Here's the link to the article
    Of course, no English
    but there also have chinses! i know this?)(Because I'm the translator for thisXD)


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    "Hoh? So you're approaching me? Instead of running away, a mere human peon is coming right at me? You've witnessed me survive and brush off a high speed collision to the ground. What makes you think that peashooter of yours will harm me?!"

    "I can't tell you to get off my property without getting closer!"

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    Plummybo said:

    "Hoh? So you're approaching me? Instead of running away, a mere human peon is coming right at me? You've witnessed me survive and brush off a high speed collision to the ground. What makes you think that peashooter of yours will harm me?!"

    "I can't tell you to get off my property without getting closer!"

    "Ho ho! Then by all means, come say it to my face."

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yujin_(project_moon) yun_(project_moon) yuna_(project_moon) yuri_(project_moon) zena_(project_moon) zulu_(project_moon) character_request highres 6+boys 6+girls 6+others absolutely_everyone ahoge animal_ears black_eyes black_hair blonde_hair blue_eyes blue_hair blue_hat blush bowler_hat brown_hair brown_hat bug cat_boy cat_ears cat_girl cigarette clock closed_eyes cockroach company_logo dog_ears dreadlocks earpiece everyone extra_eyes eye_mask eyepatch feather_hair_ornament feathers fire glasses glowing glowing_eyes goggles goggles_on_head gold_trim green_eyes green_hair grey_hair hair_ornament hair_over_one_eye hairband hat helmet hood hood_up hourglass long_hair mask microphone monocle multicolored_hair multiple_boys multiple_girls multiple_others narrowed_eyes object_head one_eye_closed open_mouth orange_eyes orange_hair pirate_hat red_eyes red_hair red_hairband respirator round_eyewear santa_hat scar scar_across_eye side_ponytail smile streaked_hair sweat sword syringe top_hat virtual_youtuber weapon white_eyes white_hair wrinkled_skin yellow-framed_eyewear yellow_eyes

    Shibi said:

    awesome patch notes: sansón and moirai are here. no iori tho
    still don't know who the one between fanghunt and moirai is. i think she was in canto 7?

    Also all of the Leviathan and Distortion Detective characters are missing (Erza, Garnet, Moses, Dias, etc)

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    Sunshower said:

    Also all of the Leviathan and Distortion Detective characters are missing (Erza, Garnet, Moses, Dias, etc)

    I didn't mention it since it seemed kind of self-explanatory
    Hell, there's no abnormalities or wonderlab (canon pending) characters either

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    Best guess about the guy next to the fanghunt fixer is the Combative Fanghunt Office Fixer? Could instead be a minor background character from one of the story cgs or a minor enemy or character from the intervallos (Class 2 Clerical Staff from TKT?).
    Could also be a character from the other PM media, but I haven't finished reading either of them and as mentioned earlier there are no characters from the other media currently, so your guess is as good as mine.

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    Shibi said:

    I didn't mention it since it seemed kind of self-explanatory
    Hell, there's no abnormalities or wonderlab (canon pending) characters either

    Well abnormalities and wonderlab make sense because
    Abnos would probably be their own thing and like you said wonderlab is pending on canoness

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