post #9000000 GET!


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Akyuu runs a regular Call of Cthulhu campaign every Thursday night for Kosuzu, Mamizou, and 1d6 village girls, as well as a play-by-mail game for Kaguya, Patchouli, Satori, and Nazrin. Friday nights she runs Old World of Darkness at the Scarlet Devil Mansion; Flandre plays a Malkavian.

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    Himegami_Akane said:
    Is it me, or is Yukari the only girl in any of futa's series who's not charmed by Kourin?

    Well, this is Yukari we're talking about one knows what she's thinking at the best of times. In futa canon, it probably relies rather heavily on what Maribel's relation to Yukari is...

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    Uploader: Cassetti :ExuCurse:

    Sancho, I have conceived an idea most ingenious.
    We shall all archive artwork created by humans, to learn their customs.
    We shall sate our hunger by the sheer power of appealing anime iconography, and then recreate those scenes!

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    This revenge was a lo~ong time coming. I’m looking forward to Syuen’s new career as the Counters’ chew toy/punching bag.

    Edit: Apparently this is a controversial comment for some reason? I don’t understand why it’s getting downvoted so much…


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