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gnosha said:

Erhm. I did not think it was that hard to check artist post history and form opinions that one would need to make guide with red circles, pointing arrows or make loud obnoxious react video about it.

Proved me wrong. I hope someone will find time to make those for you.

you made a big claim, I asked you to back it up. I wouldn’t know what to look for and if I’d interpret it in the same way as you. Idk why you gotta be so goddamn rude about it when I simply asked for proof.

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    pimpsdemande said:

    This is a response to the lack of black representation in media

    I have no problem with people choosing to draw any character how they please, but I always find this argument a bit silly since it doesn't actually change anything representation-wise. It can just be because you want to draw what a character looks like Black, you know, it doesn't always have to be for a cause. That's just my thoughts on it, though.

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    Kahvro said:

    Ok, serious question. Why is it that in seemingly so many black wash art, they give the character stereotypical black person hair? Curly hair, afros, dreads. It seems like a weirdly ubiquitous design trend or whatever.

    ....because these are common black hairstyles? These aren't anymore "stereotypical" than a white woman having long straight hair. What kinda question is this?

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    Trouble_Windows said:

    I have no problem with people choosing to draw any character how they please, but I always find this argument a bit silly since it doesn't actually change anything representation-wise. It can just be because you want to draw what a character looks like Black, you know, it doesn't always have to be for a cause. That's just my thoughts on it, though.

    The point of these piece is not to change the representation ratio or end racism.
    It’s to have fun and make people especially persons of color happy while responding to the lack of representation in media in general.
    That’s it. Not that deep.

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    Kahvro said:

    I do not like this argument. I find raceswapping to be lazy and uncreative. If you want more diversity and representation, make your own black characters and stories and OCs and etc. I'm not interested in some sort of "alt universe" where it's just "Dragon Ball but Goku is black." That's boring. I would be more interested in a story about a black character within the Dragon Ball universe, or in the creator's own personal universe. Their own personal OCs that are black, or latino, or whatever minority that isn't white.

    I don’t care about what you like or not
    And even tho people start doing their own shit people will still trash on them.
    It’s just drawings and I don’t understand why you are so pressed about this (or maybe I do but hey no fast assumptions ok?).
    You guys were dead silent with Brazilian Miku

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    pimpsdemande said:

    It’s just drawings and I don’t understand why you are so pressed about this (or maybe I do but hey no fast assumptions ok?).

    From what I've seen, some people are conflating these artists with the "there, I fixed it" crowd and people who get upset when a slightly lighter skin tone is used for a dark-skinned character. Thus, they see them as hypocrites and/or artist harassers. A few of them probably are, but I think they're greatly overestimating the overlap of these groups.

    You guys were dead silent with Brazilian Miku

    I remember seeing a justification made for this, and it was something along the lines of how Miku can be anything and is for all nationalities, so there's presumably more freedom for the fan artist to change her to however they wish. Which falls flat when you realize people will disregard artist intention and canon all the time when it suits them for things like shipping and personality changes. Granted, there are plenty of people that hate those too, but more people seem to consider it a faux pas to complain about them then they do for complaining about raceswapping.

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    DevilsLeftHandMan said:

    I mean, hey, if my counterpart got a mountain's worth of memes and attention in the past year while I got diddly squat in comparison, I'd be pretty depressed too.

    He didn't even get included in the new Melty Blood while she did (Nrvnqsr Chaos ,who he's the Neco parody of, isn't either)

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    I wonder... since Bofuri takes place in a virtual world and the evnts of Konosuba happens on their own "separated world", does this mean that Kazuma (somehow) found a way back to the world he came from initially (but couldn't comeback because the people of the world he ended up still need him)? Or did Maple found a way to fuse NewWorld Online with the world of Konosuba thanks to her antics?

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    LALA867 said:

    I wonder... since Bofuri takes place in a virtual world and the evnts of Konosuba happens on their own "separated world", does this mean that Kazuma (somehow) found a way back to the world he came from initially (but couldn't comeback because the people of the world he ended up still need him)? Or did Maple found a way to fuse NewWorld Online with the world of Konosuba thanks to her antics?

    As far as I know (thanks to the event story of other collabs in the game) the BOFURI characters must have arrived to the world of KonoSuba from their world (or rather from the VR game in this case) through a portal or something like that. I don't know the story of this collab since it didn't make it to the global version of the game.

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    "The Hakurei Shrine (博麗神社 Hakurei Jinja) is a small, dilapidated Shinto shrine located on the Great Hakurei Barrier on the eastern edge of Gensokyo."

    "The garden (of the Sun) is filled with dazzling yellow sunflowers, and it is said that it is located in the heart of Gensokyo, from the opposite side of a mountain. It's apparently shaped a bit like a south-facing bowl, so it's hard to find it from a distance. It is also located not far from the Human Village, where some humans may come here to look at its beauty."

    Discrepancies aside it is a very nice-looking map.

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    Fonzi said:

    "The Hakurei Shrine (博麗神社 Hakurei Jinja) is a small, dilapidated Shinto shrine located on the Great Hakurei Barrier on the eastern edge of Gensokyo."

    "The garden (of the Sun) is filled with dazzling yellow sunflowers, and it is said that it is located in the heart of Gensokyo, from the opposite side of a mountain. It's apparently shaped a bit like a south-facing bowl, so it's hard to find it from a distance. It is also located not far from the Human Village, where some humans may come here to look at its beauty."

    Discrepancies aside it is a very nice-looking map.

    The dude's on social media and does revise it, the most recent revision is the child post, he updated Makai (Alas he left Twitter for Blue Sky and Insta neither I use), but it hopefully it could be fixed in the next update of the map.


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