post #9000000 GET!



For anyone wondering, that's an IRON WARRIOR.

It's Ferrus Manus (Primarch of the Iron Hands), fighting alongside with an Iron Warrior. The ironic part (pun intended) is that Perturabo (Primarch of the Iron Warriors) isn't there.

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    Agemmata said:

    I hope the original art was done ironically... Surely no one would do that seriously for the sake of "inclusion".

    BOGDANOFF_the_third said:

    honestly? it is hard to tell nowadays

    Honestly feels less like an honest attempt at making WH40K diverse and inclusive and more like a /pol/tard mocking the concept of such attempts. Kind of like a reverse Poe's Law.

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    Kottali said:

    game2009 said:

    Now imagine if the vice principal also becomes a man and he forcefully French kisses female students for running in hallways...

    Average Hentai plot

    That kind of character would be nothing new for the harem genre... For example the principal from "To LOVE-ru" is very much like that. But, I don't really find either of those characters funny, I think comedy would be better served with something like a strict math teacher who drags you off to remedial classes, like in "baka and test"

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