post #9000000 GET!


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BigHeroCV6 said:

Funnily enough, someone in the Twitter comments pointed out how accurate this is; because of WWII rationing, the U.K. lacked things like spices, cheeses, and butter, and so chefs and cooks had to improvise, resulting in blander food.

The extremely bland British food actually started a lot earlier than that, primarily in London and other very large cities. Before the invention of the railway, as well as modern preservation techniques, such as canning and later refrigeration, the quality of many foodstuffs could reach, ahem, questionable llevels, before reaching the consumer. Food was also expensive and wages relatively low, so many people could only afford food of extremely poor quality and low nutritional value.

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    The ladies' kit in the picture is badly anachronistic, from the plate carriers to their rifles and everything mounted on them. A lot of it either didn't exist in 1991 or came into service long afterwards. I don't know if it qualifies for the anachronism tag, I'm really only pointing this out because I like the Aesthetics™ of that time and I feel offended by this picture.

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    bagd said:

    The ladies' kit in the picture is badly anachronistic, from the plate carriers to their rifles and everything mounted on them. A lot of it either didn't exist in 1991 or came into service long afterwards. I don't know if it qualifies for the anachronism tag, I'm really only pointing this out because I like the Aesthetics™ of that time and I feel offended by this picture.

    I agreed. This art work is nice. But some gears like gun is wrong.
    such as they should use M16A2 instead M16A4 with RIS handguard and Trjicon ACOG.(Those should show in IRAQ WAR).
    And their VEST is wrong too, it looks like MOLLE System(Like LBT-6094) plate carrier vest.
    The only correct for the Gulf War timeline is Thier Camo and Alice backpack.
    But I feel okey with this art , didn't feel so offended. But It turly didn't OLD-SCHOOL.
    I will try to sent some my suggestion to artist in Pixiv. Hope he will keep make some good works to us.


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