


"You are invited to our first
obligatory for male students"

Sign below Najimi reads "my <insert male sex organ slang here>, my decision".

ID card data is obviously fake. However were it real CURP and voter key would start with HECN020401, followed by an "H" (hombre) standing for "man". Or "M" (mujer) standing for "woman". Depends on your twisted sense of humor.

Saw on Sheinbaum's right hand is obvious (she was born from Jewish parents). The jelly all over the floor, no idea.


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    Actually, Reimu did declare to Rinnosuke and Marisa inside Kourindou that"the Unnamed Book Reading Youkai(Tokiko)",by canon source material("Curiosities of Lotus Asia" - early-ish chapter )was "...pretty Cocky and surprisingly Strong...
    "Tokiko" was also tenacious because she followed Reimu inside looking to further settle their score,and in the end it took Marisa who "had to drag her outside in order to have a Final Danmaku Duel to chase her away".

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    LanceloTF said:

    No way this is AI bruh

    notrealepe said:

    WAIT HOW IS THIS AI??? I'm actually confused

    oversized index and middle fingers, melted hair (take a good look at the locks on his shoulders and his right hair antenna), off-center, melted-looking buttons and the resolution (2x upscale of 768x1344, a known base resolution for generating portraits in models descended from Stable Diffusion XL).

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