Memoria Description:
Rarity: *3
Memoria Type: Passive
Ability: Guaranteed Anti-Dazzle & Chance to Anti-Blind [VIII]
Max Limit Break Ability: Guaranteed Anti-Dazzle & Guaranteed Anti-Blind
Description (JP): 荒い波にさらわれて 夜の海で迷ったら
この手の弦月(つき)に 思いを馳せる 夏の暑さ 氷の冷たさ 海でのひととき 笑い声
弦月に封じたすべての記憶が ふたりを照らす道しるべ
Description (ENG): If you're exposed to rough waves and you're lost in the sea at night.
I immediately think of the stringed moon in this hand. The heat of summer, the cold of shaved ice, the laughter, the moments in the sea,
All of those memories are sealed within the crescent moon that lights up the way for the two of us.
Note: Unique to Amane Sisters (Swimsuit Ver.)